Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Big 0-3!



We had a little birthday party this morning with a few of his buddies, and now Tim and Weston are out picking up a pizza for our "family lunch party" (since I have to work this evening). So, pictures are still forthcoming. I can't believe my baby is three!!! Three. Wowzers. All of a sudden he seems so OLD.

Anyway... WOW. It's been a long time since I've blogged. If you haven't realized yet, I pretty much stop blogging whenever I'm stressed/worried/depressed. And yes, there has been a lot of that. We are moving to a new apartment in two weeks (we think), and that has required a lot of time and planning. I'm in my third trimester now, and things are getting progressively more exciting and more uncomfortable. Things have been very busy with my church calling (we just had a big dinner for all the young women and their parents). Weston is slowly (but not so surely) potty-training. And Tim and I have been anxious and stressed about other things lately, too. BLAH! Some day we'll get this whole "life" thing down pat, I'm tellin' ya. :-)

Anyway, for now, think happy thoughts for Weston on his special day, if you don't mind. I'll be back soon!! Lovies to all!


The Hunt House said...

Hooray! Happy Bday Weston. Whoa...3 already? Weird! I am glad that I am not the only one who feels like life is JUST CRAZY sometimes. I hope things mellow out soon...with enough time to enjoy it before baby comes and makes life crazy again :)

Abbie said...


3 is big. Very big. He's like a real person now, right?

Jean, I love you to the moon and back. Big fat hugs coming your way.

daMawma said...

I know it's stressful to leave one "nest" and move into an unfamiliar new "nest." And, pregnant ladies tire more quickly. Ask for help with the packing and unpacking too. Just think of all the steps you will be saving by having the new apartment on the ground floor!

Liz Johnson said...

Happy Birthday Weston!!!!!

Dude, I love your guts. I'm sorry about the moving stress and the church stress and the potty-training stress and the other stresses. YUCK. If you ever need to just run away from it all, head northeast and I'd be happy to take you in. I'd even feed you strawberry pancakes. :)

Headle said...

Happy Birthday Weston!!!

There really is something about that third birthday. All the sudden, the baby looks and acts like a real BOY!!!

I'll be so excited to hear about the events and see some pictures.

In the meantime, I'm sending all kinds of love and happy vibes your way.

mmm...Liz's pancakes sound amazing right now!!!!

Kira said...

Happy Birthday Weston! Hope it was a good 3rd one! Wish we could have celebrated it with you!

Lalee Photography said...

I'm sorry you're so stressed right now Jean Bean! :( I think it's that time of year too when the weather is just gross and doesn't help out with the mood situation. If you need to chat/vent/or anything else, feel free to give me a call!! Love you!!

PS. I have a framed picture of us from your wedding that Finley just likes to hold all the time and lick. I think she's giving kisses. She loves her Aunt Jean!!

dietcokegrrl said...

THREE?? Seriously? That just seems crazy to me.

Life is insane--I totally agree. :) Hang in there. xoxo