Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Essence of Random

Is anyone NOT buying the "Forever" stamps at this point?


I have never eaten a Big Mac. Never. Am I missing something? Or is it a big, gross waste of time?


I'm reading a book called The Passage right now. It's a Crichton-esque post-apocalyptic vampire-y sci-fi. It's for Book Club this month, and while I originally had no intention whatsoever of even starting the 700+ pages (ha!), I went ahead and started against my better judgement. And now I CAN'T STOP.


As many of you know, Weston has a gift for naming things. Toys, objects, buildings, what have you. I bought him a finger puppet set at Ikea the other day, and then asked what their names were. I made sure to jot them down:


And finally, here's a fabulous, new, Halloween-themed "Weekly Dork Time with Microsoft Paint." Oh yes.


Deidra said...

I've never eaten a Big Mac, either! I grew up in more of a Burger King family. And now, I'm usually disappointed by fast food. Every once in a while I'll get a hankering for it, eat it and then with I hadn't, since it's never as good as I can imagine, and it leaves me feeling ick!

I love Weston's names. They are awesome.

Liz Johnson said...

JEAN! Your paint stuff is so amazing. Hahahaha. I freaking love it.

Did Weston have a name for Cole before he was born? Besides Megamind?

Big Macs are maybe worth it once, just so you know what you're (not) missing.

Laura said...

Ah! I still haven't started the book. I should get going on that...apparently it's worth it. :)

daMawma said...

I enjoy hearing of Weston's inventiveness with naming. Does he remember those names a week later, or not? On the other hand, I have fallen into the stage of not remembering names of objects, and just ask for 'that thingie'.

Headle said...

You are seriously so much fun!!! I love these pictures...ha ha!