Honestly, it is AMAZING to me how different the first and second pregnancies are (at least in my case). With Weston, I shopped for baby clothes even before I knew the gender; I started the baby book while I was still in my first trimester; I planned (and stocked) the entire nursery well in advance of his arrival; I wrote constantly in my journal; I tracked the pregnancy with a special pregnancy calendar; I took several childbirth classes; I did my Kegels regularly; I read What to Expect and Your Pregnancy Week by Week religiously, etc.
With this little fella, I have not purchased a SINGLE THING. And I don't really plan to purchase anything, besides disposable items like diapers, wipes, and nursing pads. I'm sure that Weston's old baby clothes will be fine, and I'm not certain that we're even going to buy a double stroller. (It's been over a year since Weston has even used a stroller, and if we really need one at a place like Disneyland, then we'll just rent one.) I haven't started the baby book yet; I haven't made any plans for sleeping arrangements except to assume that the baby will probably share a room with me and Tim for a little while; I've barely written in my journal about this pregnancy; I have no plans to take childbirth classes this time (but I'll probably at least do a hospital maternity tour); I only occasionally (certainly not religiously) read Your Pregnancy Week by Week; and I haven't done Kegels and probably won't... haha!
WHY?? What is wrong with me?? Obviously it's not that I love this baby any less; he is a precious miracle and I absolutely adore feeling him move and wiggle and hiccup inside me. But two things have changed - first, I've done this before! So, I know what to expect, and I know that we already have most of our materials and supplies. Second, we have a toddler this time!!! I don't have the luxury of allowing my life to revolve around my pregnancy, my cravings, my fatigue, my plans, etc. This time, life revolves around Weston, and the new baby (given that he's still pretty manageable in utero) is basically an afterthought. I am almost to the point of being shocked that I have done SO little to prepare for baby's arrival (mentally, I am nowhere near my friend Emily), yet at the same time, I also don't really feel the need to do a whole lot. My main concerns are eventually setting up a place for him to sleep, buying a few packages of newborn diapers, and pulling out the box of Weston's 0-3 month clothes from the closet. It would be nice if these simple things happened before he was born, but really, they can easily just happen when he comes home from the hospital.
Hahahaha! Is there something wrong with me that I am so blase about this whole MASSIVE change in our lives?? I think I'm forgetting what it's like to actually have a newborn baby in the home. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
Lots and LOTS of diapers...
Spontaneous crying (thank you, baby blues)...
So very tired...
So very tired...
Makeup? What's makeup?...
Oh that shrieking cry...
(...does it EVER stop??)
...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
Did you notice that I intentionally selected seven "happy" pictures to balance the seven "scary" pictures? Really, I could've selected a thousand. I may be unprepared and slightly terrified, but I am really, really excited to have this baby in nine more weeks. :-)
Sigh. Don't they say that it's immensely harder going from one to two children than from zero to one? YEAH. I can already tell that this is going to be a really, really tough transition. But, then again, people have done it before, right? I guess I'm living proof - I'm my mother's second child, and she's still alive! She even smiles, and quite frequently! I think it will be good to mentally prepare myself a bit more, but even so, I know that we'll adjust and life will go on with two little ones. We'll buy what we need and make all the arrangements (eventually). Really, everything will be just fine...
...as long as I remember this:
...and this:...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
Did you notice that I intentionally selected seven "happy" pictures to balance the seven "scary" pictures? Really, I could've selected a thousand. I may be unprepared and slightly terrified, but I am really, really excited to have this baby in nine more weeks. :-)