Thursday, March 10, 2011

Updates on the Menfolk

Editor's Note: There has been all kinds of move-related craziness over here lately. I'm reluctant to blog about said craziness before anything is actually finalized, but... well... we're just trying to figure out what the heck we're doing with our lives right now. That's all. :-)

In other, menfolk news...


First of all, today is the guy's birthday. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Second, (and this is very exciting, so brace yourselves)...

Tim is featured in the current issue (March 2011) of ImagineFX magazine!!! We think that it was just released today in the U.S., so talk about a cool birthday present, right? Click HERE to see the little blog post that he wrote about it a while back. And, if you happen to venture into Barnes & Noble in the near future, check the magazine rack for ImagineFX and turn to page 58, where you'll see some of Tim's designs (plus a cute little picture of him in the corner)! YAY TIM!!!

This guy had his three-year check-up recently, and of course he's still our little tank: 70th% in weight, 95th% in height. He's about a quarter-inch away from 40 inches tall now, which means that when we go to California later this year, he will be able to ride Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Star Tours, and even freaking TOWER OF TERROR!!!! We couldn't be happier about this.

Also, we recently discovered what could possibly be the cutest thing in the entire world for a speech-impediment-ridden toddler to say: "smoothie." It sounds kind of like "foovie," and we ask him to say it ALL the time. :-)

And now, some random pictures...

A little taste of that cookie toy obsession:
And a fantastic glimpse into his TV-watching style:

Still incubating!

However, now that I'm almost 31 weeks along (and therefore his arrival has been upgraded from "eventual" to "impending"), I'm starting to reflect a lot more on pregnancy and childbirth. I feel another blog post in the works -- something about how I am completely physically and mentally UNprepared for this child. (Haha!!)

But in the meantime, he's a little three-pounder who's kicking and wiggling like crazy (though never when Tim actually observes). I sure love 'im... and all my fellers!


Abby said...

When are you coming to visit??? We will of course be dropping everything to hang out. Most definitely. We'd even have you stay with us if it weren't for the silly cats.

Happy Birthday Tim! Hope it's been a good one!

Tiff said...


And P.S. Don't take Weston on Tower of Terror. I made that mistake with Malia. Now she doesn't trust ANY rides!!!

James Cramer said...

Hey Tim, Happy Birthday, and good job with the drawings you made. I think that it's so cool that there is a magazine article about you. The picture of Weston staring at the T.V. is pretty funny. It reminds me of myself when I was a kid during Saturday morning cartoons.

daMawma said...

Planning a move is stressful, packing for a move is stressful, moving day is stressful, and unpacking from a move is stressful. That's a lot to add to your schedule this month. Time to de-stress with some lady-buddies! Where's a good movie and noshing cafe (Panera, Starbucks)? I know you love your manly-men, but take a night off and be with some girly-girls (a la Pink Flamingos) for a change.

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, that TV watching face is AWESOME. I want to hang out with Weston so bad.

Anonymous said...

-Yay for Tim's published work!
-I <3 Weston's TV-watching face/position!!
-I agree with Tiff about not putting Weston on any super scary rides. I was terrified of all rollercoasters after going on a couple "intense" Wildwood rides as a small child. Luckily I got over it, but it took a long time!