Friday, June 4, 2010

Penny Drop Is Heeeeere!!!

(Editor's Note: a shameless, gratuitous plug follows.)

Looking for a sweet new game for your i-thingie?? (iPod Touch, iPhone, what have you.) Well, you're in LUCK!

Penny Drop is heeeeeere!!!

Dave Nutter, of Dave and Tiffany Nutter fame, has spent the past several months developing/programming/perfecting this fun game. We want to support him not only because the Nutters are really good friends of ours, but also because Dave asked Tim to work on the artwork, so Tim had the great opportunity to collaborate with him a little bit by developing the graphics for the game.

And now the game is finally out!!! Please consider adding Penny Drop ($1.99) to your game-folio -- after all, who ISN'T curious about dropping a penny off the Empire State Building??

P.S. Dave also developed another game called Cheezu, "the photo maze game," which is also worth checking out!

P.P.S. iPhones are awesome. I'm pretty sure I really want one.


Jacob Sparks said...
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daMawma said...

Congrats! Here's to Dave & Tim for their entrepreneurial efforts. (Now if only I had one of them there iPod contraptions.)

Headle said...

That looks like such a big achievement! I can't imagine programing a video game. Those two have mad skills. Maybe one day I'll join the ranks of the i phone people :)