Friday, October 19, 2007

The Results Are In!!!

So, I'm at 22 weeks now, and I just had my third ultrasound this morning where my doctor was able to determine the baby's gender. FINALLY WE KNOW!!! WE'RE SO EXCITED!!! Here are some of the ultrasound pictures:

The pictures above are (1) the spine; (2) the leg bone (femur); and (3) the head. What a little darling!! Also, here's a photo of the big event -- my smarty-pants doctor squishing the ultrasound thingie into my stomach:

So, here are the results:


My doctor described him as "well-endowed," which made his daddy proud. She had no doubt that it's a boy. We are absolutely thrilled, but a little more surprised than we'd expected, because everyone we know (including me and Tim) was assuming that it was a girl. Surprise surprise! It sounds like Tim was on target when he originally assigned Tadpole the co-nickname of Leonard. But, we're very happy to know. Now we can remove half of our prospective names, which is very helpful, and we can also start buying boy clothes and boy colors, instead of just the ambiguous green and yellow items. Everything else on the ultrasound looked fine, and it seems like he's developing normally, which is great, great, great news. We're very excited. :-)

Also, I'm always interested in seeing pictures of my cute pregnant friends, so if you have the same curiosity, then I'll indulge that. Here's a photo of beautifat pregnant Jean at 22 weeks:



Abbie said...

Jean! You are so cute and Leonard is a handsome little fella. I'm very excited for you! I'm so happy he's growing well and healthy. Only 18 more weeks until we see little Timmy!

Anonymous said...

Tim & Jean -
I read it online before I was able to return your phone call. The wonders of technology! I'm still trying to get through to you by phone, but the darn line is BUSY at your end. This is such happy news for all of us.

Liz Johnson said...

YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! You look fantastic!!!

I'm so excited for little TL. He has great parents. :) And based on those ultrasound pics, he's ridiculously handsome to boot.

Abby said...

Woohoo!! So exciting! And you look so cute!! Keep the pictures coming!

dana said...

Woohoo! Our little Leonards can be friends! We're excited for you guys. And you look so adorable as a pregnant lady (since you actually look kinda pregnant in that picture :) ).
Fun times ahead!

Anonymous said...

Jean, Tim & Lil Timmy... CONGRATULATIONs. Interesting the initials of lil tadpole are the same as lil timmy?!?!? Coincidence? Anyways so happy for you! Jean you look beautiful!

Emily said...

jean that is so exciting! a cute little boy. I got some of your mail yesterday, it was just some card saying you are registered to vote in Utah. . .or reminding you about the election or something. you are so cute!

Wendi said...

Congratulations you guys! I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of Mini Timmy!

Lisa said...

Hooray, congrats!!! I totally thought you were having a girl, due to your instincts. So much for that, huh? But congrats and hooray for TL! And you look BEAUTIFUL. So happy to see a belly pic from you finally :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It is fun to hear the excitement you have, it is easy to get excited with you!

Lesley said...

Yay! You totally look pregnant! Which is a great thing, huh? Isn't it nice to be past that "Hmmm... I am not really sure if she is or she isn't" stage? TL looks great on you. :)

hilary w said...

Congrats of having a boy! Boys are the best...really. Now that I have one I seriously want all boys. And this is coming from a girl who never played sports, loves to do crafts, and who hates spiders and snakes and anything gross. So, boys are the best! And you look so great! I seriously think you look adorable. I even made Travis look at your cute pregnant belly because you look so cute! I'm so happy for you.

Jay said...


Lauri said...

AHHHH!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I would like to say for my part that I totally thought it was going to be a boy all along. Seriously. I did. AWW!! You guys must be so thrilled :-) I already love him :-)

sp said...

I love you, Jean. You are so cute pregnant! Yeah!

Lillian said...

Congratulations on lil' Timmy jr! You look very cute pregnant!!

Brooke said...

You are so cute! Are you happy to finally have a tummy?

Congrats on the healthy boy! Boys have a lot of energy, at least ours does.

dietcokegrrl said...

YAY! A BOY!! I'm so excited for you guys! And your tummy has totally popped--see what happens when I don't see you for a month?