Friday, September 24, 2010

Want to Watch Some Awesomeness?

First of all, thank you SO much for all your comments about my mothering question. It was really interesting and helpful to read your thoughts on it. I am always worried about finding that balance between letting Weston solve his own problems, and intervening on his behalf. I don't want him to grow to be afraid of possible confrontation by not helping him, but I also don't want him to be overly dependent on me. So, yes, it's a fine balance, and I guess it just depends on each individual situation. But seriously, thanks for sharing your ideas and experiences!

And now for your viewing pleasure: I present two YouTube videos!

First, our filmmaker friend Rob (of Rob and Rebecca) recently made this short video for Rebecca's birthday. If you enjoy babies, cute things, quality film editing, and/or music-that-you-can't-get-out-of-your-head, then you have to check this out. I love it!!!

P.S. We'll have a special blog post dedicated to these cool folks pretty soon!

P.P.S. Oops... Blogger cut off the right side of the video. To view the whole screen, click HERE.

And secondly, there's this video. Uhhh... yeah. Our thanks go out to Jacob for this spectacular find. If you enjoy Indian music, mini-caballeras, imitation Transformers, things-that-just-do-NOT-go-together, and/or the-stuff-of-nightmares-in-general, then this one is for you. :-)


Lisa said...

Ummmmm... wow. That second video. AMEN to the "things that just do NOT go together" thing! I never thought I'd see a non-Transformer dancing in the Bollywood style.

And I love that baby video--very cute :)

Headle said...

Forrest sat here with me while we watched the baby video and just cracked up every time the baby's head popped up! So cute and clever!! I can't wait to see the post about them :)

Abbie said...

WHHHHHAATTT!?!?! is going on in that second video. Amazing!

Rebecca said...

Whaaat?? A post about us?! Sweet!

And that Bollywood video . . . there are no words to express my confusion and bewilderment. I don't think any little boy should move like that!

B Brown said...

What a sweet gift any mom would love. Very creative.

Where to start on that 2nd video? What's with all the skeletons, then having a faux transformer drive a little bollywood caballero in Cindarella's coach? Creepy, yet hilarious at the same time.

Lalee Photography said...

I can't stop laughing at the baby video!! Oh wait, yes I did...when I watched the 2nd video and my brain exploded. WHAT?!