Friday, July 15, 2011

Recently Posted in Our Backyard


WARNING: Preschooler spotted in the vicinity of this backyard!

For your safety, we would advise all roh-yee-poh-yees (rolly pollies/pill bugs) to quickly vacate the premises of this backyard, preferably in the dead of night. A preschooler has been spotted in the vicinity, lurking along the periphery, searching for roh-yee-poh-yees, shrieking with delight when he finds them (“YOOK, MOM! I found a roh-yee-poh-yee!!”), and then clamping them in his loving, vice-like grip for 30 minutes or longer.

Should that unfortunate circumstance befall you, we would advise all captives to remain in ball-form for as long as possible, lest said preschooler accidentally drops and/or misplaces you. In the event that you are dropped and/or misplaced, it would be wise to swiftly remove yourself from the immediate search-and-recover area. Nevertheless, the likelihood of escape is extremely small, and therefore, if the option of vacating this backyard is not feasible, we would primarily advise that you make arrangements in advance regarding loved ones, and of course make your peace with God.


Liz Johnson said...

Your next-door neighbor should start up roh-yee-poh-yee support groups. I imagine there are a lot of war crimes being committed against them out there, and they're probably suffering from PTSD on a massive scale.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! awesome. made me lol. perfectly worded!

Lesley said...

That is so funny!

In 5th grade my friend and I used to catch rolly pollys and sell them to classmates during recess. When rolled up they are perfect for flick-racing! Those bugs are meant to be toys. :)

Your little boys are incredibly cute, Jean!

Wendi said...

Ahhhhh, thanks Jean! This provided me with just the laugh I needed at the end of a long, stressful, dirty day.

Lisa said...

LOL! Totally love this post. "Make your peace with God." So stinking awesome :)

daMawma said...

I understand Weston's excitement. Rolly-pollys were the only bug that I would touch as a child.

John B. said...

Awesome post! I was told that I should not tell it to my wife but tell you on your blog.

Abbie said...

hahaha! oh heavens, this made me laugh. i want to play with weston and i get to (!!!!!) in less than a month! can he show e&a roh-yee-poh-yee? they don't live in ny (or at least they're really good at hiding - maybe they read this post), so it's been awhile since we've seen one.

Lalee Photography said...

LOL, this made me laugh so hard! You are too clever Jean! Hahaha! I remember these bugs as a kid! I called them army bugs. I don't know why. Weston just loves them so much he wants to squash them in love! LOL!