(1) Sorry for not posting for a bamillion years! (Bamillion means "a billion and a million," as sleep-delirious Jean once told Tim in the middle of the night. She also told him that she was going to be "the giant, red-headed.... wait, I don't have a hat..." Haha.) I promise that Tim and I haven't been enlisted for the next Biosphere project. I just haven't posted for a few weeks because nothing really happened in our lives for awhile after that last post, and because my pregnancy continues to move as sloooooow as ever, and really hasn't been that exciting. (But more on that later.)
(2) Tim and I, among all of the inhabitants of the earth, seem to have the coolest, sweetest, most rock-it-out-wicked-awesome network of family and friends ever. A huge thank you to you guys for your super-nice comments about our pregnancy. I was actually really excited to start telling people, because I know a lot of you have probably wondered when Tim and I were finally going to expand our coupily to a full-fledged family. Thanks so much. You all made sharing the news really special and really fun. (And a P.S. to all our homies who are far, far away -- WE MISS YOU!!!)
(3) If you ever want to up the comment count on your own blog, announce a pregnancy. People freak out.
Anyway, Tim is back at school for Term #4, and the club that he started a few months ago, Working Title, is up and running again. They're probably going to have some really cool, renowned entertainment artists come and speak this term, possibly including Syd Mead, if all goes to plan. (If you're an avid reader, you may recall his name from the Comic-Con post.) So, exciting times for Timmy. I've been working from home as usual, and I've had some trips recently (first to South Dakota, where I spent three hours one morning driving around in the middle of nowhere among sky, field, and dirt road, trying to find a certain fractional development, if that makes any sense; and then to the Tri-Cities, where I learned a little bit about viticulture -- a word I never knew existed -- and ate a really stupendous crab cake). Anyway, it was good times, and my boss is certainly keeping me busy, because he knows that I'll be transitioning to maternity leave and then part-time work come February. This upcoming week, I'll be in Austin, Texas, for two new projects, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep wearing my same black work pants a little longer.
Speaking of expanding waistlines, I'm STILL wearing my same clothes, and I'm 18 weeks now!! Actually, nearly 19 weeks!! So, question: when do you start to show for real? I'm very disappointed in my uterus that I don't look pregnant yet. People have asked Tim whether I'm showing, and the answer, sadly, is still "not really...". At least not to the casual observer -- I can tell that my belly is starting to swell a tiny bit, but not enough to warrant maternity clothes just yet, and certainly not enough for people to tell that I'm clearly pregnant. What a bummer... nine months is a long, slow time!! On the upside, I'm feeling well, and I guess everything is proceeding normally. Oh, and I can feel the baby move now! That's truly incredible, knowing that there's a little living thing inside me. Weird. My next ultra-sound is October 19th, so with luck, Tim and I will finally discover the baby's gender at that appointment. Then we can finally start buying things, and piling them on top of our kitchen table, sofa, and bed, because there's nowhere else to put things. (At least until we fashion a baby room out of our current bedroom, move our bedroom to the office, and move our office to the dining room. Ahh, cramped city living.) :-)
Tim and I have had some fun baby-cuddling over the past few weeks. Tim went home to PA for a week at the end of August, and was able to get to know our little nephew Killian a bit. (He's so cute!!) Then, last weekend, I visited my little niece Kailyn in Washington and was able to get to know her a bit. (She's also so cute!!) Isn't it funny that over the past couple months, Tim and I gained a nephew and a niece, one on each side of our families, and only two weeks apart in age?? And that they're named Killian and Kailyn?? Say it fast enough, and it sounds the same. Crazy.
So, the title of this post refers to my recent visit with Kailyn, which was a wonderful "ba-cation" (baby vacation) where I just got to relax and take care of a 7-week-old baby for three days. It was wonderful! She's very cuddly and easy-going. I got to feed her, change her, and hold her a whole bunch (including a few moments of her falling asleep on me, which, I must say, is the sweetest, most loving, most uplifting experience that one can share with a wee babe, and which really helped my teeny maternal instinct start to blossom). Anyway, I miss Kailyn terribly now, but it was a great learning experience for me, as cheesy as that sounds. I included some photos of this fun little ba-cation further below.
Liz, since you requested a pregnancy story, I will share one little tidbit that has been on my mind (not really a story, but more of a musing.) Most of my time nowadays is spent working, doing chores, planning my callings, engaging in social activities, and spending quality time with the hubby. But I've been thinking and daydreaming about pregnancy more and more as time has progressed, and usually it takes the form of Super Happy Lollipop Pregnancy Land, where I'm skipping along, feeling great and special and excited, and just really looking forward to a growing belly and a growing family. However, every now and then I stop in the middle of the sunny skipping field and realize that this baby WILL come out of me, somehow, somewhere, sometime, FOR CERTAIN. That's kind of a shocking realization. It's fun being pregnant, and it'll be fun being a mom, but I have a feeling that the transition won't be all that fun. I may even go so far to say that it will probably be PURE MISERY, with just a hint of "I want to die." Hahaha! Seriously, though. If you have any comments about this, feel free to share. Usually, after stopping mid-skip upon this realization, I slowly begin skipping again, although with a very concerned look on my face, only because I remember that "millions of women have done it" and "it will end" and "our bodies have no physical memories of pain," yada yada yada. However, it's still a little nerve-wracking, I must admit. :-)
In other, non-pregnancy news, Tim and I went to a Muse concert last night!!! It was wicked awesome. Tim's a huge fan, while I'm a new, unlearned fan (but a fan nonetheless). Their set design was spectacular, and Matthew Bellamy's piano and guitar work were phenomenal. They opened with Knights of Cydonia, my favorite song, and everyone was on their feet for the entire set. It was a great time. One funny thing about the concert was the second opening band, Juliette and the Licks, with lead singer Juliette Lewis!! Did anyone know that Juliette Lewis (aka "Don't laugh at me, Daniel!" from The Other Sister, etc.) started a band?? Once we got over our surprise, however, we realized that she can tear it up. She rolled around on the floor, bent over backwards, kicked all over the place, ran around the stage, and overall gave a really entertaining and, well, really athletic, performance.
Anyway, here are some photos of me, baby Kailyn, and her doting parents, which I know that my own parents will be delighted to see, given that they are desperately missing their grand-daughter who lives on the other side of the country. Enjoy, mom! And have a great week, y'all. (I'm practicing for Austin.)
Yes, Jean, I am smiling ear to ear thanks to your presentation of Kailyn's many moods. Back when I was pregnant, I had a greeting card with a drawing of a mother and baby, and I taped it onto my cubicle wall. Every time I looked up from my desk, I would see that picture and mentally insert myself into the scene. So, the bigger the baby bump, the smaller your outside world will become, soon leaving just you and baby as partners in the dance of life.
It's funny the different stages of pregnancy. Believe me though, Jean, you will be so ready to have that baby out of you by the time you're in your 9th month. It may seem like it is so far away, but it will be here soon. For me I think the 3rd trimester is the hardest. I get pretty big with my kids though, and so by the end I just wanna die. But then again, it is a toss up with all the nausea at the beginning. I definately know that we go through all this so that we can make it through labor. You get to that point where you'll do anything to get that baby out of you and to get your body back. Then when the baby comes, it is so wonderful. Oh what we mothers go through! I would honestly love to see Mike go through pregnancy, even for a week. He's good to me though, so I don't have room to complain.
I love picturing you skipping through "Super Happy Lollipop Pregnancy Land" (I'll have to start calling it "shlpl" for short...that's a mouthful!)
I'm right along with Carly on the labor. By the time you get there, it won't matter how it goes so long as you end up with that baby in your arms. :) But on the positive side of that (and there really is one!) -- look into Hypnobirthing classes. You probably remember me talking about Heidi's birth. It was awesome. However it goes, whatever classes you take, you'll do great because you're JEAN, you're awesome!! ;)
Hey Tim and Jean! Its your favorite Wymount neighbors the Whites! I saw your link from Lesley Larsons blog. That is so exciting that you're expecting!! Congrats! I love your Cafe Rio story, I would've done the same thing if I were four hours away and it would all be worth it, but Jared wouldn't be so enthused, he doesn't think its very "authentic", but that's never mattered to me! Hope all is well. We're still here in 813! We've had two neighbors since you guys moved out. Right now is a Korean family who doesn't speak much English but are very nice, I think he is a visiting professor. We miss you guys and cloud!
click on our link to view our new blog!
p.s. Can I add you to our link list? I just figured out today how to use post it!
Oh Jean! I know this is going to sound so cliche, but you are absolutely glowing in those pictures holding Kailyn! You just look so beautiful! Wow.
I remember when Andrea finally realized she was going to be "giving birth". We were out to dinner at Houlihans, and she had just come from her dr. appt. and they told her she could go at any time. And she just sat there and stared down at her food with crazy wide eyes in silence for a good, ehhh, I'll say 10-15 mins. It was really funny. haha. I'm such a supportive sister. But seriously, she said as soon as they put Lucy in her arms, that's all that she was focused on. That's it. Aww! I'm gonna cry! You're going to be such an amazing mom!
Yaaaaaay! You're BACK!
My theory on pregnancy is that you know you're ready to go into labor when the thought of getting the baby out is less scary than keeping the baby in. Also, I would have to agree with Abby Hanson... even if you don't PLAN on an unmedicated birth, it doesn't hurt to prepare for one, in case something fluky happens and there is no time for an epidural, or it just doesn't work. I loooved my hypnobirthing classes. But all work well.
I started showing at like 14 weeks. That said, most people will attest to the fact that I was the hugest non-twin-baring pregnant woman ever. So... I say that it might be a good thing, and you'll just be one of those women who looks like they have a small little soccer ball glued to their belly.
You're glowing in those pics, by the way. :)
I love the pictures of you and the babe. So adorable and you look like a total natural :).
In response to some of your thoughts...yes...that baby will eventually come out of you. But you know what, I LOVED Lucy's Labor/Birth Day. Honestly, I look back with such fond memories. I had an epidural, so I wasn't feeling the pain and instead, just really enjoying the whole experience. I'll have to elaborate in person some time. Because labor can be really positive, not always as painful as you fear.
And Juliette Lewis...I've only heard her perform once on David Letterman, but you're right...girl can rock. Funny thing, I worked as her personal assistant for a few months right out of college. It was my first "film gig" on a (lame, don't rent it) film called "The Way of the Gun". It was all shot in SLC and Tooele and I can attest to the fact that she's a little cuckoo. An interesting and happy person...but definitely cuckoo. Fun that you got to see her band live!
Okay, sorry for the ramble.
I love your posts. Your writing style is great :)
Be glad your pants still fit! Soon enough your belly will merit stretchy pants. : )
Labor is totally worth it. Which is saying A LOT about how wonderful motherhood is.
I agree with Lesley, be glad your pants still fit. Just wait until you can't touch your toes, then you will be thinking "why did I want a belly again?" Also agree with Liz, by the ninth month you will just want it out, it won't matter how any more, though I highly recommend the drugs, and that is saying a lot because I am terrified of needles.
hey chica!!
So sorry to have missed visiting amidst your super happy lollipop land. The baby and uterus do grow. Through it's movements, and your appointments seeing/hearing the heart beat somewhere btwn 140-160bpm, mixed in with the wooshing of your own heart, the birth will become a reality. Give it time and cherish wilst you have the control over every aspect of it's life, once it comes out it's not like that.
oooooooooo & I LOVE MUSE TOOOO!!!!! i love the video for time is running out.. its on my ipod!! :-)
Holey Crap! I missed the announcement post! Congratulations! I am actually going to take Abby's advice and check out the hypnobirthing before my next one. Its funny, I had contrasting experiences with my labors. With Shannon the epidural worked and labor was easy and wonderful, but recovery was tough. With Cameron, the labor went too fast, and I wasn't able to get really any pain relief, but the recovery was super fast and a zillion times easier than the first time. Enjoy Super Happy Lollipop Pregnancy Land!
Enjoy those pants. It will be awhile before you'll wear them again. Unless you're one of those women who put on her "skinny pants” at the hospital. In that case, I hate you. Not really. Just enjoy not showing.
You'll have the "I just look out of shape" phase first, which is the most annoying and then you're cute tummy will pop out. And yours will be cute. I just know it. I’m excited for belly pictures.
And, I have to say the first trimester was waaay worse for me. The third trimester you have a light at the end of the tunnel. And birth is amazing. I loved given birth. It’s the most amazing thing you’ll do, no matter what kind of birth you have.
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