So, our little Weston had his one-month check-up today (even though he's actually five weeks old now, but whatever). We got up bright and early (or, West got us up bright and early), showered, dressed, fed the baby, ate breakfast, packed up the baby, and drove to the doctor's office for our 9:15 AM appointment. Once at the office, we realized that our appointment was actually at 4:00 PM. D'oh!! Okay, okay, it was totally my bad -- sorry, Timmy dear!
Anyway, his *afternoon* appointment went just fine, and he didn't cry at all, except for a brief wail when he got his Hep B shot. (The examination room was nice and toasty warm, so that helped.) We were told that Weston now weighs 11 pounds, 8 ounces (95-97th percentile!) and measures 23 inches long (90th percentile!). So, he is GINORMOUS! Way to go, little guy! We thought he's been chunking out a little bit lately, but apparently he's nearly the biggest baby out there in his age category. (I guess I produce cream instead of milk, ha ha!)
We also learned that the little red spot on his lip is actually a birthmark. Only 4-10% of Caucasian babies get this kind of birthmark, but supposedly it goes away by age 7. In the meantime, he'll be sporting the Queen Amidala look. :-)
Now for photos!! This is a picture of the window above our couch in the living room. Weston is OBSESSED with this window - he loves to stare at the light coming through the blinds:
Way to go Weston!!! Keep on growing!! :-) I miss you guys!!!
wow! i cant believe he's so big already! at hallie's 2 month appt. she was 11 lbs. and 22 1/2 in. long! so he's definitley passin' her up... i think it's a boy thing!
I love that he's so huge. GO WESTON, GO! Awww. He is so cute, too. You guys have one seriously adorable child.
Seriously, you MUST have cream for milk! 95% percentile, that is awesome.
Yay! Dave & Tiffany!!! And Malia is SO cute.
I LOVE those pictures of the Angeles National Forest. BEAUTIFUL. The second one made me think of Lord of the Rings actually.
Time for Weston to get a SUPERMAN costume, with blue tights and a red flowing cape. Next month he'll be lifting cars!
How fun to see the Nutters!
Way to grow West! I am very impressed by the percentiles! Keep up the good work, Andersons.
I love the new pics!! And I also love the drive up the angeles forest. When caden was a tiny one we used to go on a lot of drives. Now they just aren't peaceful :)
Thats awesome! Weston's a tank! So fun that you can get together with Dave and Tiffany and Malia.
Yay for the Nutters! I'm glad you guys could get together.
Not only do our boys have the same crib bedding, but Jonathan has that first outfit, too! Amazing :)
Way to go big guy! You and Alice are in the runnings for 100th percentile! I also produce pure cream, which the nurses at the hospital said I should bottle and sell. You and I could have our own dairy brand! Gross but funny!
What a blast to see the Nutters!! How FUN is that?! I love that you all got together again!! :D
Oh my word! Weston is SO CUTE~!! He's so big, strong and healthy! Good work Jean :)
Please keep pictures like this coming, I just can't get enough of little Weston and the Anderson family :)
So cute--and so big! Wow!! He can give Hannah a run for her money...although she just passed up Sammy in the weight department. 32 lbs for her and 30 lbs for Sammy. Poor guy...
what a cutey!
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