Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Things I Like

By Weston Anderson

Starting to plant the idea with my parents that I'm Mensa material by pretending to work on a Sudoku puzzle (heh heh):

Finding pictures of things in books, and then finding pictures of the same things in other books, and then getting really excited about it:

Unleashing the little Cookie Monster in me:

(That last one might negate my Mensa effort.)

Having a grand ol' time at Kidspace:

(I overheard my mom telling Kate's mom that she really hopes that Kate and I get married, so that she can project this picture of us really big at our wedding reception, and then everyone will go "Awww..." and then discuss amongst themselves about how adorable we are and how it was meant to be.)

And finally, saying an actual word:

(Addendum by Jean: Seriously, Tim and I think it is so bizarre that Weston says this. His vocabulary is so small right now -- mama, dada, hi, wow, uh-oh -- that we can't figure out why on earth he would choose his next word to be "doctor." You'd think it would be something a little more useful, like "food" or "more" or "blankie," but no, it's doctor. Go figure. We're also not sure if he thinks that "doctor" means mouse. I suppose we'll find out the next time we happen to see a mouse.)


daMawma said...

Note to Weston: Mensa Schmensa. Just smile, learn, and eat the cookie any way you want. You are loved!

Liz Johnson said...

NICE. Start saving for Harvard!

Doc-tor! I LOVE IT!

Lisa said...

WHEN did he get so BIG??? Baby Weston is gone, he is SO a little boy now! And Doctor? How cool is that? Maybe he'll be a doctor :)

Jonathan's choice of words are weird, too. His doctor thought it was odd that he said "Up" and "Duck" before mom or dad :)

dietcokegrrl said...

What a smart boy!! LOVE the cute!

Dana Carlin said...

We love love LOVE this! I can't believe how big he looks, just since June. I can't wait to see him (in less han 3 weeks!) and teach him naughty words. Muahaha. PS- Jean; you will be happy to know that Killian is starting to use "Balls!" as an exclamation. Thank you for that.

megan said...

what a cute post! I especially love the eating a cookie pictures...maybe b/c I love cookies so much :-)
super cute and super smart little dude!

Headle said...

That video of Weston is adorable!!! I love hearing you talk to him. You are such a sweet mom!!! He's one lucky little boy!!

sachia said...

What mother wouldn't love to hear their child's first word be DOCTOR um, hello that's so CUTE and possibly telling!

-from Sachia visiting her folks far away (Ken is my dad)atuo