Monday, June 20, 2011

One Month Already?! Inconceivable!!

Well, our little Coleslaw/Coal Mine/Colby/Coltrane (also known as "Cole" by day) is already a MONTH OLD!!!

He's doing great. The crying has definitely increased since he was a brand-newborn, but he's also much more alert these days. He's starting to chunk up, thanks to Mama's special-recipe cream. He holds his head up better now, and he's also starting to lock his legs in a standing position when we put his little tootsies on a surface. However, he's still only sleeping about 3-4 hours in a stretch at night (...yawn...). In order to kick off the time-honored tradition of constantly comparing Cole to his big brother Weston, I'd just like to publicly point out that when Weston was a month old, HE was sleeping in stretches of five and a half hours. I'm just sayin'. Ahem... COLE.

The funny thing about the second child, at least for me, is that I don't have the anxiety that I used to have with Weston. Any time that baby Weston would break out into a cry, I'd be overcome by a burning wave of anxiety/panic. Doesn't happen anymore! Maybe that's because I know that crying isn't that big of a deal, or because I know that I can't ALWAYS respond to his cries, just because I'm juggling a whole bunch of other things. (I guess that's one of the downsides of being Child #2... mom's clearly divided attention!) I guess the sleep deprivation is a bummer (but a given), but fortunately, I haven't been lost in the Newborn Fog this time around, and I haven't been nearly as anxious or worried about everything. So, for those of you who have one child, I guess that's something to look forward to with the second. :-) (And I wholeheartedly disagree with most peoples' warnings that the second one is harder. Not necessarily!! There's just more to manage, but it's still manageable.)

But seriously... we love this kid. Here's to, like, a bamillion more great months. :-)


daMawma said...

Is that a sleep sack he is dressed in? It reminds me of the Pillsbury Doughboy. And, he looks very alert and ready to interact.

Laura said...

Yay! I'm glad you found my blog and now I can read yours. I was getting distracted reading through all your recent posts, but I should probably stop now and make dinner before Chris gets home from work...something for me to look forward to doing later!

We should hit up the park for lunch together sometime. The food is only for the kids, but it's definitely worth it. :) And Jane could use a friend her age! Me, too. ;)

Tiff said...

"when Weston was a month old, HE was sleeping in stretches of five and a half hours."

Truly spoken by someone who was, dare I say it? Spoiled! ;)

Love ya!

Wendi said...

Jean, you and Tim make adorable babies. Good job.

And I totally agree with you on the second child thing. I didn't think it was as bad as people told me it would be. Three was a whole 'nuther story though. As Josh Menke told us, "Three is hard because you have to switch from a man-to-man defense to a zone defense." Its so true!

Hopefully little Coleoptera starts discovering the joys of sleep!

James Cramer said...

Cole is a very cute baby Jean, I'm glad you're in the mom routine better for your 2nd child, that's great.

Liz Johnson said...

He is so amazing and so cute. And I agree with Wendi's description of the man-to-man defense versus a zone defense. Zone defense is killer, man.

Cole, there is no need to be different just for the sake of being different. Maybe rebel against your brother's excellent sleeping habits by being EVEN MORE EXCELLENT. He can't go back in time and break a record you set, so go break his!

Lisa said...

Oh goodness, he is SO adorable!! And I agree--I actually enjoyed 2 kids more than 1 baby. Not that I should have--1 kid rocked!!--but it's just easier to kind of know the ropes, and like you said, to know that you can't always know the ropes, hahaha :) Now come on, Cole--SLEEP!!

La La Land said...

He is one of the cutest babies ever! And is asleep every time I see him!

lyndsey said...

such a cute guy!! i'm glad i got to see him in person. and thanks for the positive reinforcement that 2 won't really be that hard, one day :)

Anonymous said...

I AM DYING TO HOLD AND SQUEEEEEZE YOUR BEBEH!! Thank goodness I only have (almost) 1 month to wait!! But beware: you may never get to hold him when I'm around, and I'm going to sniff the baby smell off of his sweet little head until it's gone. (the smell, not his head.) Don't worry, I'll let you keep the smell of his sweet little baby butt!

(Weirdest comment I have EVER left on a blog!)