Sunday, June 26, 2011


... (when the cabin fever is kicking in),

all it takes is a trip to Target:

... and Chick-Fil-A:

Simple. Easy. Fun.

Mission accomplished.


Liz Johnson said...

Hey, that's my plan for today! It's like you read my mind!

Lauren said...

Jean, oh Jean. Do I have to teach you EVERYTHING about chik-fil-a? Use those place mat things! They have peel-off stickies so they stick to the table. Squirt the "dip its" right onto the clever little thing and when you're all done it's such an easy clean-up!
And only sweet little Weston could take a trip to Target without MAJOR meltdowns when the toys need to stay there.
How 'bout this: I'll write the book on Chik-fil-a and you write the book on having perfectly behaved toddlers. Deal?

Hilary said...

I second those place mat things -- I want to steal a couple to take with me to other places (i.e., Grandma's house). They're genius.
And I think we did that EXACT same Target/Chick Fil A trip last week to kill time at our house (except we stopped on the Princess aisle). Also hit up Harmon's for their killer Maple Buttercream donuts, but there were none. It was sad.

Lisa said...

I'm also jealous that your trips to Target don't end in meltdown tantrums. Jonathan is ALWAYS naughty in Target. He loves Walmart, but will usually run off. King Soopers (our version of Smith's) he's almost always well behaved. Weird stuff.

But yay for Chick fil a!! We went there last week and I'm going there again tomorrow with an amiga. What? It's like a 1 minute drive (a.k.a. I should walk, but exercise is overrated).

Hilary said...

Oh, and they have to be the Maple BUTTERCREAM donuts . . . those are the 'to die for' ones. And stupid Harmons is out of them at least half the time I go, and some days they don't even make them, but I've had two different employees say, "Yeah, they're everyone's favorite!" and "We're ALWAYS out of those!" Um, the answer here seems to be to make MORE :-)

daMawma said...

Remembering back to the 1980s, when cabin fever struck I took Jimmy and you to Bradlees or Ames to explore, then to Roy Rogers for a cheeseburger and *free* kiddie drink. Different names, same objective!

B Brown said...

Target works everytime for us as well :) just looked through your last couple posts, Cole is adorable!

dana said...

I feel like I'm reading about myself in this post!~ Love Target for so many reasons :)

Abbie said...

Those were the best days. Thinking about those days makes me miss texas mucho mucho.