Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday! You're 0.5!

Weston turned six months old on the 26th! WOW! (Where did my teeny tiny newborn go??) Here are his six-month stats:

Weight: 20 lbs, 6 oz (90-95%)
Height: 29 inches (97%) ... but we think the nurse was a bit liberal with this measurement...
Head: 46 cm (95-97%)

So, happy birthday, kid! Your special half-birthday treat is a delightful, runny rice concoction! Yay! Yep, Weston "ate" his first "solid food" on Saturday. I say "solid food," because there's nothing solid about his soupy rice cereal. And I say "ate," because as far as we can tell, no "eating" has actually taken place yet. Sure, we raise the spoon to his mouth and he opens his lips. But then the look of distaste creases his little face, and after gumming the flavor of it for a couple seconds, that nasty rice concoction pours right back out of his mouth. Pretty much every single time. So, following both of his "feedings" so far, I've still had to go ahead and nurse him, since he's still hungry. But we're optimistic! I mean, seriously, how can that runny rice flavor NOT grow on you...?? Ha.

Here's another notable development of Weston's, one that is so blessedly sweet and wonderful that Tim and I are still reveling in its joyous wonderfulness: INDEPENDENT PLAY. Weston is finally getting to that age where he can play with toys on his own!! Yaaaaaaaay!! We don't have to sit there and stare at him, and hand him different toys for 20 minutes before he fusses and wants to be picked up!! Sure, the 20-minute limit still applies, but now we put the toys on the floor in front of him, the Boppy behind him, and let him have at 'em. Every now and then he whimpers a little when the toys all travel beyond arm's length, but we just walk over and push them back in range, and he keeps on playing. It's faaaaaabulous.

Oh, and another fun six-month development: the DEEP END of the tub!! Wasn't it so exciting when you finally reached that age where you felt comfortable venturing into the deep end of the pool and going off the diving board and what not? Well, I imagine that's how Weston feels right now, even though the water level is still only about three or four inches. But, it's very cute. He sits there like a little person and plays with his bath toys. He loves bathtime, and therefore we love it too.

And finally, his six months of life have resulted in one more happy development: SUPER CUTENESS!!! He's much more interactive and smily now. He giggles, growls, coos, babbles, wiggles, and cuddles. He LOVES looking at people, and especially smiling at people who look back at him and talk to him. He loves holding toys and books (and anything we happen to be holding, whether it's a glass of water or a phone or a remote or a piece of paper), and especially putting everything possible into his mouth. I have to say, we're just pleased as punch with our little one. Happy half-birthday, Mr. Smunch!!


Liz Johnson said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Wild Wild West!!! Woohoo!!

The Hyer Family said...

Happy bday big boy! I never believe you when you say how big he is (size-wise) but I guess the stats speak for themselves! He doesn't look that big!

Headle said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures!!!! SOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!! Oh, I can't believe little Weston is 1/2 year old!! He is growing up and soooo sweet!!!

Abbie said...

Cute, cute, cute! That second to last picture is adorable! And yay for independent playing!

daMawma said...

Try making the rice cereal thicker instead of runny...then he can roll it around on his tongue. Some may even get swallowed! I still love his sunhat.

dana said...

happy happy birthday weston! I can't believe he's 20 lbs! We'll be getting Owen's stats soon and we'll have to compare.
I'm glad he "ate" a little cereal and that he's playing on his own. HUGE help. Cute cute cute.

dana said...

Oh, and cute new background. It's kinda leopard, but my favorite...dots! Nice selection.

Kristen said...

It sounds like Lincoln is Weston's twin! Same sats except Link was 27 inches tall.

Weston is such a cutie! Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Emily said...

Happy 6 months Weston! Everytime I see pics he looks more and more like his parents! You are reading Breaking Dawn? Me too, about 200 pages to go, I'm finding it a little weird, like it doesn't fit with the other books, but good just the same.

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness, I just want to EAT THOSE LITTLE CHEEKS!! So juicy. What a cutie-pie. I can't believe how big he is!! Can you believe that the weight requirement is 20 pounds to be forward-facing in the car? Too bad you also have to be a year old. But just think about it--some kids who are a year old still aren't Weston's weight. Crazy.

He sounds like such a cutie! And what a champion sitter!! I'm very much looking forward to that, as well as the independent play :)