Friday, September 12, 2008


Hooray! We finally figured out how to upload video! Yaaaay! Well, actually, Tim did. I, on the other hand, realized once again that he's a super techno-genius and I'm really lucky to have him. And to boot, this evening he showed me all around Windows Movie Maker and YouTube. He's just so darn smart. I sure love 'im.

Anyway, in answer to your question, yes, I am now a filmmaker.

Therefore, behold Jean's attempt at movie-making. Sorry, it's kind of long (nearly 4 minutes... yikes), but I promise that it features fun zoo animals and numerous special appearances by his royal super-cuteness Weston:


Tiff said...

So, while Weston IS absolutely adorable...

... I was really hoping to see a gorilla spit out some keys or an orangutan throw some poop at you.

Good times.

Abbie said...

Man ALIVE! That is one cute baby (and momma!). Jean, watching this makes me miss you SOOOO much. Hearing you laugh and seeing you in action as a mother is so great! Awww, I miss you! And it makes Weston seem more real. Now I know hes not a doll.

daMawma said...

Jean, congrats on your new project! (This is how Spielberg started out...except I think he was about 8 years old.) It is such a delight to hear your voices. This is a special treat for those of us who live "far, far away."

Lisa said...

Dude, your "ape eating leaves" song rocks my socks. Seriously.

Jonathan was majorly grinning at your video--he wanted me to tell you he liked it :)

Liz Johnson said...

This REALLY makes me miss you guys.

Also, thank you. Connor has requested to watch this video about 3 million times. He particularly likes the gorillas, and I particularly like Jean's gorilla voice. Thank you for taking my kid to the zoo so that I don't have to. :)

Also, apparently that is "Baby Nate Friend." Not Weston. Just so you know.

Lalee Photography said...

This makes me totally miss you guys too!! Also, Weston is ADORABLE! I enjoy that he had zero interest in the giraffes. I can see why, they weren't doing much. You guys are funny and make me laugh. :-) I vote more videos!!

Karyn & Ed said...

I love the zoo video. It's so cool to see you 3 interacting with each other (so much better than my imagination). The best part of it was 1. when Weston was hugging you at the end. and 2. it looked like the tiger was walking toward the girl when she screamed. lol ttyl