Sunday, September 21, 2008


Tim and I went to a Greek Festival last night! Hooray! It was held at a local Greek Orthodox Church, and the entire time I was there, I just really wanted to go up to people and tell them how much I love Greek food, and how I had a Greek friend in college named Theofani, and how I really enjoyed My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and how I find philosophy to be ever so intriguing.

Haha! But it was a fun time. We partook of Greek yumminess such as chicken souvlaki, spanakopita, and baklava; we caught a lively performance of Greek folk dancing; and wouldn't you know it, but we ran into some buddies too! Everyone loves the Greeks. :-)

Tim and Jean, waiting for the shuttle:
Our buddies Allison and Ted (sorry, Ted, but this was the better picture):
A couple new buddies, Lillian and Mike:
The main tent area, with the folk dancing performance:
Weston made lots of friends! (As usual. He's much more social and engaging than I am. And it's always women... moms and grandmas and teenage girls. He's quite the ladies man.)


Lisa said...

Yay for Greekness! I'm actually not too into Greek food (I know, I know), but one of my best friends growing up was Greek, so that counts. :)

Liz Johnson said...

You guys could totally pass for Greeks... and that is totally meant as a compliment. Woohoo! Opa!

Deidra said...

On a visit back to DC last Fall some friends and I hit up a great Greek festival. Totally was in love with everything, the whole time. Except for the the whole, bug-eyed lamb roasting on the spit... but it did make a great gyro! It was so good though.

daMawma said...

Jean, tell Tim to cease licking Weston's head. Those cowlicks will flatten on their own when his "peach fuzz" soft hair grows longer. I have noticed though that the blog poll is 100% approving of "lick'em stick'em."

During Sarah Palin's acceptance speech, did you see her young daughter lick her hand and smooth down the hair on her baby brother's head? That got national television coverage!

Tiff said...

*random thought*

I remember reading once that my name was of Greek origin... I never thought it sounded like it... but maybe "Theofani" is where it came from.

Lilian said...

It was so fun to meet you guys. Good food made it that much better. I hope to see you at Karaoke soon. I also stole a picture and put it on my blog :)

dietcokegrrl said...

Great food and great company too--what a fun night! The Moores used to be in our ward and they are a great couple. We miss them!!

Abbie said...

Jean, YOU are gorgeous! And your baby is really cute. I love Greek festivals. Good food and fun.

Lalee Photography said...

I went to a Greek festival once and did lots of Greek dancing and those Greeks really know how to throw a partay! And Yay Greek food! :-)