Sunday, November 16, 2008

How I Love Those Tidbits of Awesome

There have been several tidbits of awesome recently. Oh how I love it:

-I ate Candy Cane Joe Joe's for the very first time. WOW. So good!! I get it now, y'all. I GET IT. Keep 'em comin'.

-I shopped at Old Navy with a 30% off coupon and a tremendously well-behaved baby.

-I watched The Office and 30 Rock while Timmy brushed my hair and massaged my scalp. (Oh my heavenly bliss.)

-I slept in on Friday morning for the first time in months (thank you, Bottle God), while Timbo got up and fed the baby. I woke when I wanted to, instead of when my cute little baby alarm went off.

-I went out on a date with Timberwolf for the first time in a couple months (excluding a last-minute late-night jaunt to Cheesecake Factory, and also excluding the more recent mini-date to Stake Conference, which ended with Jean throwing up on the sidewalk... but that's a story for another day). On Friday night, Tim and I went out to dinner at Mimi's and then drove to Disneyland, where we raced around the park like a couple of kids without a stroller, and managed to go on 11 rides in 3.5 hours. We forgot how convenient it is to NOT have a stroller (or baby, haha), and how great it is to go on the scary rides, and how fantastic it is to be there late at night when lines are super short!! We love you, Weston, really we do.

-I attended our daytime enrichment yesterday, which was a crazy-awesome craft extravanganza. There was a lot of crafting and general extravaganzing going on, and we all enjoyed a yummy soup lunch and plenty of laughs and conversation. I left with a sweet-looking glass ball ornament (yaaaaaay I made something), along with my nativity blocks (wooden blocks with cute nativity images), which are very sad and unfinished-looking. (I started them, but then realized that the sanding alone would probably take two hours. So, being the wholeheartedly uncrafty person that I am, I decided that I would finish them at home in a very sub-par manner, and then apologize in the future to my children who have the plain, unfinished blocks instead of the pretty, stained, shiny blocks that all their friends have. Sorry, children, but you have kind of a low-maintenance mom, so if I were you, I'd take my advice and try to embrace her low-maintenance-ness in order to be satisfied with sub-par things and not be disappointed all the time.) :-)

-I found out that my friend Abbie's husband got accepted into medical school. YAYAYAYAY!!!

A couple of the downsides to my tidbits of awesome:

-Going to bed at 2:00 AM after a fab date with the Timster, only to awake at 6:00 AM to a babbling, yelling baby. Oops, I just fell asleep while typing that. I'm awake again.

-Checking the Weather Channel this morning, only to find out that it's going up to 92 degrees today. Oh blurg. Thanks a lot, Al Gore. (haha)


daMawma said...

It's nice to know that your sweet hubby has FOUR sweet nicknames. Brushes your hair? He's a keeper!

Liz Johnson said...

I love my children more when I have had a nice break from them, too. I'm not afraid to admit it.


dana said...

Love the tidbits list. Great stuff! My favorites being: you ate Candy Cane Joe Joes and GET IT! YUM. And you had a date night!!! Wowzers! Fun times.
and yes, please blame all weather patterns on Al Gore. Love it.

Linsey said...

I am totally going to start blaming Al Gore for all bad weather!

Lisa said...

I don't see warm weather as a negative. Yay Al Gore. :) "I think God's just huggin' us closer!"

Your awesome nicknames for Tim definitely kept me laughing. I always like reading your blog!

And what is this throwing up story? Sheesh!

hilary w said...

I love all the fun things you got to do! I also love all the nicknames you have for Tim. I need to be more creative with Travis!

Abbie said...

We made your tidbits! I love you!!! Every day's a holiday with you, Jean! I think Tim should sing that every morning to you. You are the best. And I love that you got to spend time with Tim and that Tim has so many nicknames. Awww. You Andersons the BEST!

Nat said...

Mmmm...Candy Cane Joe Joes... I'm so jealous you got to go on a REAL date! Lucky! :) I love your tidbits of awesome.

Headle said...

I love these tidbits too!! How FUN that you and Tim got out on a date together!!

And I especially love that you raced around Disneyland and rode late night rides. You two are sooo cute together!!! You are young, and young at heart! I can see you doing these fun, spontaneous things together into your late eighties!! :D

Sarah H said...

Hi Jean,
I have been spying on your blog for a while so I thought I'd finally make a comment.
Your baby is so cute and you and Tim are such a great couple. I can't imagine Jason ever brushing my hair. Sigh.
We're thinking about going to disneyland next month when we visit my parents in SD for Christmas. I'm excited.
You're so lucky to have California weather! Even though 92's hot, wow!
Well, fun to catch up a bit.