Friday, November 7, 2008

Yah, Aebleskiver! Yah!

Up until a couple of months ago, I had no idea what aebleskivers were. Then one day, exploring a Williams-Sonoma store (happy sigh), I learned that they are small, filled pancakes of Danish origin, and that they are supposedly freaking-holy-schnikies-delicious. I originally planned on buying the Williams-Sonoma aebleskiver pan, which is $39.95 (whaaaaat?), but then I noticed that the Target aebleskiver pan is only $17.99 (whee!). Oh, and warning: apparently Target People noticed that everyone was buying their cheaper pan instead of the newly-released Williams-Sonoma version, so they increased the price to $19.99. And second warning: it comes in a ghetto "As Seen on TV!" box, but don't be concerned. It still works fine. :-)

This morning, Tim was a super helper monkey, and he entertained Weston so that I could give the new pan a whirl. Naturally, I documented the big event. Here, I'm preparing the dry ingredients:
... while also beating the egg whites:
Then I combined the batter with the fluffy whites:
... and switched to a whisk, because my spoon was not allowing me to "fold in the egg whites" very well:
I started by preheating the pan and spraying it with cooking spray. Then I added about a tablespoon of batter into each well:
I chose pumpkin butter for the filling this time, in honor of the season:
I plopped about a teaspoon of filling into each well:
And then topped it off with more batter:
I flipped this little guinea pig much too early:
But fortunately, the first batch worked out!
Seven hours later, here was the final batch:
And voila - our mound of warm aebleskiver:
They were yummy!! Tiny, yes, but very fluffy:
We enjoyed them with a little maple syrup. He likes them! He likes them!

Oh, and in other news, Tim shaved his head yesterday. He said that he was sick of having so much hair. I asked if he was going Britney-Spears-crazy, but he said no. He just shaves his head every once in a while. Yep. :-)


dietcokegrrl said...

Those look soooo yummmy!! Can we make some next time I come over, or is it too much work? I need to try one...

daMawma said...

Everyone's gotta eat, so might as well make it "an adventure"... another FOODIE in the family! But stick to our tried-and-true recipes too, like Tight Times Cabbage Soup.

La La Land said...

I'm so happy to see that you have found my happy place. My family is Danish, so I was raised on aebleskiver. They are one of my favorite things on earth. To be authentic, next time use a knitting needle to flip them.

lyndsey said...

mmm those look FANTASTIC! very impressive for your first time! and um...if you have just discovered aebleskiever...i think a trip to solvang is in order. we would be happy to escort you :)

Linsey said...

These are all over the blogs these days. I have not tried them yet and I must confess your "seven hours later" comment does not make me want to rush out and purchase a pan. But, they look yummy!

Liz Johnson said...


I like Tim's new look. Very nice.

Lisa said...

MmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! I want some. I love that you documented it so fully--a little Pioneer Woman, huh? :)

Sometimes (every other day) I'm sick of having so much hair, but John won't let me shave it. Hmph.


Abbie said...

I love ebleskivers (our family's spelling)!!! My mom made them for our birthday breakfasts when we were little. YUM! Can I come over and eat them with you?

Headle said...

I've never even heard of these!!! How AWESOME and CREATIVE you are Jean!!!!! I'll have to get myself one of those pans, they look really yummy!! Wow, you really put a lot of work into those!! YOU ROCK!!!

Emily said...

yum! Where did you find the pumpkin butter? Jared keeps threatening to shave his head . . . actually he's really serious about it. I feel bad b/c he'll let me do anything with my hair but I keep holding him back!

Lillian said...

Those look delicious! Nice job on your first try. My dad has Danish ancestors so we ate these occasionally growing up. Only as kids we used to call them "Evil Skeevers." Okay, so actually we're adults and we still call them that....

gunnfam said...

I love that you made aebleskivers!! My favorite cousin made them for me in college, and I've loved them ever since. Josh is a PRO at making them, and they are my favorite with a little bit of marionberry jam on top! I'm super impressed with your first time skills!