Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tim's All Alone! [Day 1]

So, as many of you know, Jean and Weston have gone back to PA to visit family while I stay here in SoCal and bring home the bacon. Delicious, crispy bacon. I also have a full-time job, and taking two consecutive weeks off seemed unfeasible as I've just recently begun my employment.

She'll probably be able to do blog posts from PA; I believe the technology exists out there. But she may also be kind of busy, so I thought I'd post once in a while just to make sure you all know I'm okay. You don't want to read about me being discovered by the neighbors who "smelled something funny next door..."

So far, I miss them already. But I've also taken advantage of the opportunity to run around the house in my underpants, jump on the bed, and leave the toilet seat up-- all while blasting that rock music the kids today fancy so much. I had cotton candy for dinner, and I'm going to have a bowl of Peanut M&M's with milk for breakfast tomorrow. I'm going to wear sneakers to church, too.

I'll be just fine...


daMawma said...

How quickly some men degenerate without the influence of the fair sex (Jean will have to train you all over again upon her return). For now, though, enjoy belching and scratching anytime you want. And here's your chance to make popcorn in the oven with the oven door open.

Dave said...

"Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me!"

Jean said...


Best. Poster. Ever.

Oh, I love you. Keep bringing home that bacon, and please keep working as well. But make sure you eat some grapes with your bowl of peanut M&Ms. :-)

Dana Carlin said...

"You are what the French call les incompetent..."

Abbie said...

Good luck. Our bishop always quotes, "it is not good for man to be alone" when all the wives go to Utah for the month of July.

Emily said...

ha ha, I must tell Jared to read this, he'll get a kick out of it . . .

dana said...

hhaahhahahaa. more Tim movie posters please!