Saturday, January 16, 2010

PA Holidays #4: The Finnster's Big Day!

One of the most special parts of our time in PA was being able to attend our nephew Finn's baby blessing!! It was so wonderful!! LOOK AT THIS LITTLE GUY!!! Don't you just want to squish and cuddle him?? (It's hard being all the way over in CA again and no longer being able to squish-cuddle that little nugget.) Finn weighed over 10 lbs. when he was born, and fortunately he still has lots of that gleeful, smiley squishiness for Auntie Jean to enjoy. :-)
That Sunday morning, I happened to actually (gasp!) get ready with a little extra time to spare, so I passed the time by taking a bunch of photos of Weston in his church clothes. He LOVES this ottoman at the window at Gangy's house:
Peekaboo!! (Yes, the Mommy-razzi is taking pictures of you again.)
Love him.
Ahh, love him even more now...
After Sacrament meeting, I attempted to gather the folks who participated in the blessing, but a few disappeared to Sunday School before I could snag them. However, here's a nice picture of the family members, plus Jason (there in the back) who is a close friend of Dana and Jay's. (Look at Finn staring at Grandalf!! Precious!):
And here's the cutie patootie Carlin clan. Isn't this a great picture? I love those guys:
And the man of the hour!!! Awww, we love Finn:
Weston and Killian hung out in the chapel while we all visited and took pictures. Weston's looking at Killian and thinking that looks pretty comfy:
"Hey, maybe I'll give that a try..."
And that's what brings us to this last photo...

Does Sacrament meeting end any other way, really? Haha!


Headle said...

Look at those two cousins!!! Ha ha ha!! Those pictures are awesome!

That's so neat that you got to be there for Finn's blessing. I bet they loved having you guys there for such a special day.

Headle said...

I meant to add I love the pictures of Weston too! He looks SO TALL and handsome! :)

daMawma said...

Oh, that last photo...churchy clothes and new churchy pose. Precious! They're all "boy".

Abbie said...

Could you mail Weston to me? Thank you. I really want him to come to church with me.

Liz Johnson said...

CUTE! And I think this is the first time I've seen Weston and thought, "WOW. HE LOOKS JUST LIKE TIM."

So... take that for what it's worth. :)

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, too darn cute. Someone needs to teach Jonathan that--some people's kids nap during sacrament meeting now that it's at 1--that would be AWESOME.

I cannot believe how big Weston is. Where did the time go???

dana said...

Weston is so cute and grown up! ADORABLE!

dietcokegrrl said...

Those last pics are hilarious!!