Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Surprise Spider

I searched "spider surprise" on Google Images, and this was one of the pictures that came up (don't ask me why). Hahahahaha... I think we should all read this book now.

Y'know what's even worse than a spider? A surprise spider. Today after my shower, I reached for my head towel, pulled it off the rack, and was just about to wrap it around my wet hair until I realized that there was a brown spider clinging to it.


Towel was instantly dropped to the floor; Jean did a little spastic shake; and then spider was quickly squished in a tissue. (Oh, by the way, even worse than a surprise spider is a surprise-spider-while-you're-naked-and-wet.)

There's just something about spiders that gives me the heebie-jeebies (and I know I'm speaking for Tim here, too). Maybe their long spindly legs? Maybe their eight eyeballs? Maybe their ability to magically and disturbingly appear ANYWHERE at ANY time? This morning's encounter reminded me of one time in Pasadena when I opened my closet door, reached up to pull the lightbulb string, and then saw a spider dangling right in front of me. Why do they do that?? WHY? It's like they're intentionally messing with us.

Anyway, after living in California where all manner of spiders (including black widows) are very common, I've gotten really good at squishing them. (A couple times, I squished spiders in my bare hands. Yeah... I'm hardcore.) But I still can't get over their creepiness. How do you deal with spiders? Have you ever had a "surprise spider" incident?? (Gaahhh!! I have to do another spastic shake, just thinking about it.) :-)


Lisa said...

BAHHH!!!!! I hate spiders so, so much. I didn't used to be a wimp--it was just a combination of events in the Summer of 2006. Long story. But, once I was getting out of the shower at Wymount, and I looked down to my white bath mat to see a BRIGHT RED spider hanging out on it. So I know what you mean about a surprise spider while you're naked and wet. There is no more vulnerable time than that of getting out of the shower. Boo spiders!

Lalee Photography said...

Ewwww, now I have the heebie jeebies!! Especially b/c I forgot spiders had 8 eyeballs. Gross. One time I had a surprise spider while I was driving. He came spindling down right in front of my face while I was behind the wheel and I was torn between totally spazing out and not causing an accident. Luckily there weren't too many other cars on the road b/c I couldn't help the mildly controlled spazing that was happening. I managed to pull over, flick the spider out of the car, and then do that crazy wiggly arms all over the place dance to rid my person of any spider grossness. hahaha :) I think spider on a towel when you're wet and naked wins though. Horror of horrors!!!

Lauren said...

My favorite is what happens AFTER you see the surprise spider. This afternoon, while the kids were napping, I was outside reading. I saw out of the corner of my eye a giant spider (I get to say giant. even if it wasn't, everything is bigger in Texas, spiders and stories included) crawl by. This, of course, led me to believe that every thing I felt was a spider. Every time the towel touched me, or my hair on my face. I had to go inside. I was ruined. And, to be completely honest, spiders don't really even creep me out (yah, I'm THAT hardcore), it's the crickets that get me.

Liz Johnson said...

"Good Enough For Judith" is quite obviously a hidden literary classic. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Spiders are awful. I can deal with the spindly little ones, but if goo might squish out when you smash them, I might as well just move to Montana. I CANNOT handle big spiders. Yeesh.

Wendi said...

Ugh. I hate hate hate spiders. I used to not be so bad, but I think my extreme spider fear comes from a surprise spider. I don't know if it's worse than a naked spider incident, but its been enough to scar me for life.

I was putting on a pair of shoes (canvas converse type) when I was about 13, and I was barefoot. When my foot got all the way in, then I felt something wiggling by my toes, so I freak out, toss the shoe and this HUGE brown fast spider comes running out. IMO, fast spiders are waaaaay worse than slow spiders of equal size. Ugh. I don't like to recall that memory.

Aaaaaand actually just yesterday, I was squishing a spider and it fell on me (normally I don't squish spiders above my head, for fear they will fall down my shirt and build a web in my bra or something, but for some reason I disobeyed my normal rule)I let out a loud shriek. Well the front door was open and Mike was waiting with Shannon for the bus. The neighbor lady apparently heard the shriek and asked Mike if everything was ok at home. He didn't even have to check... he knew it was a spider.

Anyways, yeah. Scarred for life. Sounds like you will be too. (Sorry for the uber long comment!)

daMawma said...

As a little girl you did not fear spiders. We had a rule that they weren't allowed in "our house" so you would capture it in a small glass jar and release it outdoors with, "Bye-bye, spider, go back to your house."

I freak out when I find a live tick in the bedclothes, probably brought in by a kitty.

"Good Enough for Judith" is listed as a teen novel by Irish author MICHAEL SCOTT (could that be THE OFFICE boss in Scranton?). HaHa.

Abbie said...

That is the next book I'm picking for book club.

I hate spiders, but spiders when your wet - ahhhh!