Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This and That

Is it just me, or does life seem REALLY busy right now?

Our ongoing "Operation: Transition Tulsa" seems to be going veeeeery slowly, and I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe because Tim is at the office for 10 hours a day (and 5 hours on Saturdays), which postpones any opportunities to discover Tulsa's fun places as a family? Maybe because I'm still in the friend-making/town-mastering process myself? Maybe because our apartment has central A/C, so I really like to stay home? (Haha!) Maybe because all the work of finding doctors/dentists/babysitters/everything is exhausting me? Maybe because unpacking/decorating is taking forever? Maybe because our impending student loan repayments are causing significant stress? Maybe because I really like just going to Target, the library, the playground, and the pool over and over again with Weston, instead of anywhere else? (Luckily for me, he's all about the simple entertainment.)

I don't know. But I feel like it's taking a lot longer than usual to find our niche here and get busy having fun. And part of the problem is that we haven't been able to try very many restaurants yet. In general, the more fantastic restaurants I discover, the happier I am. So, that's something, I think, that Team Anderson can work on. :-)

Fortunately, we did have some fun family time recently, where we visited Tulsa's River Parks, which is a trail network along the Arkansas River:
I really likey the green here (even if the river is brown):
Weston got to bum a ride (literally) for part of the way:
Eventually he requested his sunglasses so that he could be smooth and chic like Tim:
Along the way, we passed this statue entitled, "Pheasant Eludes Bobcat," or as Weston liked to call it, "Kitty":
Thumbs up for River Parks!! We will be back for a picnic one of these days (hopefully before temperatures reach 115 degrees):
Afterwards, we were thrilled to try a much-hyped Mexican restaurant, El Tequila, mainly because we heard that it was a dirty, authentic greasy spoon. Haha! In fact, it's quite clean and pretty nice, at least compared to the questionable little taquerias that are all over L.A. Anyway, I took pictures to document our experience, but unfortunately, El Tequila did not cut the mustard for these L.A.-expats.

There were chips and salsa (pretty decent):
There were tacos in crunchy, Taco Bell-style shells (boo); burritos with spaghetti sauce on top (at least that's how it tasted - boo); and enchiladas filled with hamburger (boo numero tres):
Tim and I LOVE tamales, so we ordered them on the side, and they were actually pretty tasty (I think the pork was seasoned with cinnamon, among other spices). However, they apparently only make pork tamales, so when we ordered chicken tamales, they just took a pork tamale and topped it with chicken chunks (haha):
In a last-ditch effort, I persuaded Tim to let us get the churros for dessert, because you can never go wrong with churros, right? The answer is right, because they were good. But I think the dessert should have been called CRAZY Churro SUGAR Explosion!!!!!!!! instead of "churros" (alright, that picture doesn't look very crazy, but believe me, it was very big and very crazy before we tucked in):
Weston got to enjoy a lunch of bland French fries and a hot dog in a stale bun, but at least he got to top it off with some Crazy Churro Sugar Explosion:
Yep. I take pictures of everything you do, Weston.
We've also had some fun with friendlies over the past week. We went to a Memorial Day barbecue, where Weston spent 95% of the time standing in the kiddie pool with a little plastic water gun:
Fortunately he allowed enough time to devour a hamburginner (that's Westonese for ya):
I hosted a playdate at our apartment, which was attended by six children. And as you can see, it was a good playdate (that's Mr. Andy there):
And I did some babysitting for new pal Kira, which was more like "play/eat/watch Toy Story 2, repeat over and over again". That's Dawson, Katelyn, and Weston:
They had a good time:
So, there are SOME interesting things happening, and hopefully there will be more to come, once we feel like we're really here and really settled and organized (spatially and mentally). :-)


Headle said...

Jean!!! I absolutely LOVE hearing from you!!! These pictures are fantastic! The river park looks so relaxing! What a fun place to unwind after what sounds like crazy hours for Tim (Way to work so hard Tim!!)

And your simple outings sound wonderful! You are such a great Mom, Jean! You really are! I'm sure Weston just can't wait to wake up every day to spend time with you! You just know how to make even the little things, so fun and meaningful!!

And I hear you on GOOD Mexican food! We have a favorite place here that I'm reallllly going to miss if and when we move. Its hard to find the real deal!

Liz Johnson said...

I am really, really, really glad that your playdates end up looking like mine do. I was wondering if I was the only one who encouraged tornado-esque destruction by hosting them.

We're going to have to find you some better eats than El Tequila. CRAZY CHURRO SUGAR EXPLOSION!!! (said with terrible mexican accent)

Deidra said...

I usually think it takes one full year after moving somewhere new to feel completely settled and at home there. It looks like you're diving in and taking advantage of lots of opportunities for really enjoying Tulsa. Good for you! Hopefully you feel settled and satisfied soon.

lyndsey said...

look at you, hosting playdates and such. way to go! you'll be settled in before you know it. :)

Abbie said...

My comment to the first part of your post: Oh Jean, it will take time. Just hang in there, soldier. Before you know it you'll be hosting playgroups and eating spaghetti sauce on Mexican food.

My comment to the rest of this post: WHAT?!?! You are rocking this! You've already hosted playdates and playgroups and been out to eat?!?! Look at you! Looks like your settling in nicely. (But yes, it takes way longer than I think to settle in somewhere. I feel like I am finally mentally in NY)

Lisa said...

I'm with Abbie--how is this slow going for you?? Hosting playdates, eating out, going to the library and the pool (we don't even do that here... oops...)--you rock! I know it probably doesn't feel like home yet, but you'll get there. In the meantime, I'm totally impressed by your go-get-em-ness.

Kira said...

Love the pics of the 3 amigos. How cute! Thanks again!
I know the feeling about being settled. We've been here close to a year and some days I still feel like we're new here and not feeling settled. Comes with time I guess here.
I'd love to have you guys over soon, we'll talk!
Ohh...and thanks for the heads up about El Tequila...we'll stay away from that one unless we're craving churros of course.

megan said...

Looks like you are having lots of fun and being social! Too bad we can't explore ok together!

Hey, do they have a place called ted's escondido there? It's my new fav mexican restaurant...super yum!

Liz Johnson said...

Also, have you tried Kupcakz yet?! http://www.kupcakz.com/

Or this place?

I found this website: (http://www.tulsafoodblog.com/) and am now on the prowl for you.

Liz Johnson said...

AND THIS ONE. The music on the webpage is enough to convince me.


daMawma said...

I'd say you're ahead of schedule on settling in...you've been there less than four weeks, and with Tim's overtime you are doing the bulk of work by yourself. Weston looks rested and quite cheerful! And I just KNOW there's a tamale somewhere in T-town with your name on it.

gunnfam said...

Yepeee for getting settled! You totally beat me. I've yet to have a playdate at my house. Oh Jean how I miss you.