Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weston Likes Ice Cream

This is what happens when we suggest going to Braum's:

P.S. Yes, the video starts with Weston sitting in the closet by himself. That's what I get for starting to tape during a game of hide-and-seek.

P.P.S. At the end of the video, you'll notice that Weston is putting on MY shoes for some reason.


Abby said...

Oh that was awesome. So stinkin cute! How sad is this? We had a Braum's in Tallahassee and never went! I hear it's pretty amazing though.

We miss you guys!!

megan said...

haha...cute boy! and smart too :-)

the first time I took eli there to pick up a treat for a friend who was sick eli started screaming ice cream, ice cream. I was like, how does he know what this is? Apparently his dad had taken him once before

oh and chocolate almond is my fav...only like 5 ingredients and soooo good!

Deidra said...

So awesome. Yay ice cream!

The apartment looks nice and it looks like you're getting settled nicely.

B Brown said...

Doesn't everyone act like that when they go get icecream? :)

I love the pure enthusiasm that he can't even focus to get his own shoes.

Emily said...

that was adorable!

Liz Johnson said...

I totally wish I could do that without getting weird looks. I love ice cream that much, too. Solidarity, Weston.

James Cramer said...

Hey Jean, that is the best video ever, thanks for sharing!

Abbie said...

That's what I do when Forrest asks if I want to go to Shake Shack.

He is so cute! The happy squeal!

Your closet is so tidy.

Headle said...

Ha ha ha!!! That was SO STINKIN' CUTE!!!!! I love how Weston threw his arms in the air! SO CUTE!!! I love it!

daMawma said...

Oh my joy, what a reaction! You should send this URL to Braum's PR Department. Maybe they'll send him some ice cream.