Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas from a Sleepy, Sleepy Boy

Background: One night when I checked on Weston, I found him in his bed, upright, so obviously I thought, "Oh boy, he's still awake..." But then I realized that he was actually sleeping. I whispered for Tim to come in, and we probably stared at him (suppressing giggles) for about 3 minutes. Finally we wised up and grabbed the videocamera, but we only managed to capture the last few moments of his sleep-sitting before he finally collapsed. (I also had to delete a big portion of the video because it was just pitch-black, but then Tim turned on the camera light.) Anyway, kids are funny. Hahaha!

ENJOY!!! And Merry Christmas!


Kendra said...

Ha ha! That is so funny and so so cute. What a silly little boy. I'm glad you caught it on tape. :D

Lisa said...

So funny!! Silly kid--can you imagine choosing to sleep sitting up when you have a perfectly comfy bed right there??

daMawma said...

Well, there's something new...I've never seen that before. Sleep-sitting! HaHa Has he ever conducted music in his sleep?

B Brown said...

Hilarious! We need a 2010 "Weston Hilarious-ness" in review montage :)