Tuesday, July 1, 2008


West had his four-month appointment this morning, and he continues to maintain his status as Mega-Baby:

Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz (95%)
Length: 27 inches (95%)
Head: 44 cm (90%)

Tim and I are wondering if he's starting to recognize the doctor's office now. (Is that possible at this age?) At his last appointment, he got his regular round of owie vaccinations, and then today, he seemed a little more apprehensive than usual. (However, it was naptime, so he might've just been really tired.) Anyway, again with the vaccinations, and again with the owies and crying. It'll be nice some day when he won't have to get shots every two months (for his sake, and for the sake of his frazzled, aching-heart mother). :-)

West is also regularly seeing a pediatric dermatologist for his lip birthmark (hemangioma). She just wants to check and make sure that it's not growing too rapidly and potentially causing problems for him. So far, so good with that. The dermatologist is really cute and friendly, and although West's birthmark has grown quite a bit since we first noticed it, it appears to be generally stable at this point, if still growing a tiny bit. It remains to be seen whether it will regress on its own, or if treatment will ultimately be needed. But fortunately, it doesn't seem to be bothering him right now. (Tim and I are the only ones who need to deal with it, by answering the #1 question, "What happened to his lip?" But it's okay... I would probably ask too, out of concern or curiosity.) :-P

In other news... attention Bluth fans! Jeffrey Tambor recently confirmed that an Arrested Development movie is in the works! (Thanks Peisch!) Yaaaaaaaaaaay! I'm gonna go eat a mayonegg to celebrate.


daMawma said...

Yay for Mega-Baby! I remember Uncle Joe telling me he bought some 12-month outfits for Weston's baby gift. Then in your last blog you said Weston (at 4 months) was wearing a baseball outfit from Uncle Joe. I thought to myself, "How can that be?" Well, now I know the answer...18 pounds! But sorry for the owies, not-so-little Weston.

Brooke said...

Um, I think your 4 month old weighs as much as my 15 month old...

Liz Johnson said...

CORNBALLS FOR ALL!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is really cute. And I totally think they can recognize the doctor's office. Connor hates any table with a paper tablecloth, and I'm convinced it's because it reminds him of a place where he gets shots.

Dana Carlin said...

When I saw the picture of Gob, I immediately had "The Final Countdown" music in my head! Yay...I can't wait till the movie is made! I miss the Bluths ever so much.
More importantly- Weston is SOO cute! I check your blog every day in hopes of seeing more pics. I can't wait to squeeze his chunker legs and kiss those juicy cheeks! (I'm referring to his heiny, of course) I had thought that Killian would look so much bigger than Weston, but he definitely won't!
I have a surprise that ties these two topics together...you'll have to wait to find out...

Lillian said...

Weston is just such a cutie. He is at that chubby, round stage where they play with their toes. I can sympathize (as can all moms I'm sure) about the shots. They are the worst especially when they are so young. No more shots for Jackson til kindergarten - yay!

B Brown said...

FINALLY! I think Mike is sick of me watching the AD re-runs over and over. I can hardly wait for the movie.
p.s what a cutie-patootie west is!

The Doughracle said...

Hi Jean, this is Andrew. Great hearing from you! Sounds and looks from your blog that things are going great...how awesome! Congrats on the growing family:) Small world that Tony was your HTer...I think he mentioned that to me at some point. We are in HK now and enjoying life. Anyway, big hugs to you...hope to run into you soon!