Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday with Thim: Punchsplosion!

Man in crowd #1: Hey, look, everybody! Tim's back!
Everybody (in unison): Hooray!

Okay, so Tuesdays with Tim have been a little... erratic. Things have thankfully gotten kind of busy for the summer, and I have not blogged for a while. In an effort to do better while still maintaining a semblance of alliteration, I'm blogging on (or near) Thursday. It's a stretch, I know. And in a continuing effort to stretch the limits of the English language, I'd like to discuss my new favorite word: punchsplosion. Now, you're probably saying, "You just invented that word! It can't be your favorite!" Well, yes I did. And yes it can. Look, I even made it look like it's in a real dictionary:

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and with so many action-packed movies coming out this summer, common techniques in movie trailer editing have necessitated a new word to describe their explosive awesomeness. That word, my friends, is punchsplosion. I'm sure you'll recognize this phenomenon watching trailers for Terminator: Salvation, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, GI Joe, and any other action spectaculars slated for release this summer. It occurs when a character in the trailer punches someone/something/the ground, and immediately following the punch we cut to an explosion, making it seem like that punch has caused massive devastation. Punchsplosions most often occur in time with the beat of the heart-pounding adrenaline-pumping music in the trailer.

I've posted an example here. I haven't seen Terminator: Salvation, so I cannot vouch for its quality (or lack thereof), but its trailer is a great example of the punchsplosion. Specifically, jump to 2:15 for a significant one, and 3:23 showcases two consecutively.

See what I mean? Your challenge this week is to find the trailer with the most punchsplosions. With Transformers 2, Terminator: Salvation, and GI Joe all coming out this summer, this shouldn't be difficult. In fact, if I remember correctly, I believe there is a Terminator: Salvation trailer that even features a nuclear punchsplosion! Any trailer is eligible, regardless of the release date of the film. To submit, post a link to the trailer in your comment along with a punchsplosion count. Multiple submissions will be allowed. I will watch the trailers and count 'em up to confirm the winner (posting the times where punchsplosions take place as I've done above would be helpful but not necessary). The reward for the winner will be all of the awesomeness imbued to him/her by the constant exposure to the punchsplosion. Good luck to all!
EDIT: It has come to my attention that the punchsplosion may be more elusive than I had anticipated. Therefore, I will modify the objective of the challenge: not only will quantity be considered, but quality will play a larger role in the judging of entries. If you can find the best punchsplosion, post it. Abbie's comment also brings up a good point... if you've got the editing chops, feel free to edit your own punchsplosion montage. In fact, that would be an instant win. That would be awesome. Good luck!


Lisa said...

Okay, your punchsplosions are beyond awesome. But I just watched two action trailers (a Transformers and GI Joe) and found ZERO. I'm feeling discouraged. Maybe I'll take up the search again a little later, when I've cheered myself up :)

Abbie said...

That is heavy on the punchsplosion. I don't think I can beat it, but I will try, even if I have to create it myself.

Jean said...

I love this post. Your "punchsplosion" dictionary entry is seriously awesome. Hahaha!!

I found a quasi-punchsplosion. It's in the X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer #1, about 3/4 of the way through. Someone (maybe Gambit?) slams a pole into the ground, which is followed by a big explosion behind Wolverine as he's riding away in a motorcycle:

Yay for the punchsplosion!!!

Dave said...

Does this one count?


Jacob Sparks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacob Sparks said...

I think im done here...

That'll do Walker, That'll do.

daMawma said...

Tim, the explosion I remember best (punchsplosion) came at the end of JAWS, when the Sheriff fired a rifle bullet into the scuba tank lodged in the shark's mouth...."you son of a {BLAM}!!" Does that count as a strike to the face?

Rob said...

Ok, here's what Rebecca and I found:

Mission Impossible 3
1:08 - Someone hitting a weapon against a wall.

The Dark Knight
1:22 - shove.
Then if you watch the rest of the trailer, you'll see 2 clapsplosions, while the Joker's clapping.

0:51 - kick
1:07 - kick

Die Hard 4
1:39 - head butt

And we found Bulletsplosions in these movie trailers:
Mission Impossible 1
Transporter 1
Transporter 3
All 4 Die Hards

And then two Editoutthecusssplosions in the trailers for Die Hards 1 and 3. (You know, Yippee ki yay mother etc.)
