This blog post is going to be ginormous, FYI. I intended on doing a post earlier this week, but then there were a bamillion photos to go through, and then our internet was out for two days. And of course, MORE things happened during that time, which means even MORE to blog about now! (I guess that's how blogs go... more and more to blog about all the time.)
So, I'll get to the photos in a little bit, but first, Weston had his 15-month appointment yesterday. The little trooper had to get four shots (yowie!). Here are his stats:
Weight: 25 lbs 15 oz (70%)
Height: 33 inches (95%)
Head: 50 cm (>97%)
Looks like Mr. Big Head continues his reign!!
And now, on with a recap of last weekend!
(Editor's Warning: Try to skim through these photos as fast as you can. Seriously, there are 44 PHOTOS in this post. Why, you may ask, would I include so many photos?? I DON'T KNOW!!! I know you don't need to see all of them, but for some reason, I just have to put them in. Partly for the grandparents' benefit, partly for Tim's (who only gets to see Weston in the mornings for a half-hour), and partly because I have difficulty excluding pictures that I like, even if they're highly irrelevant. Haha, sorry. BEWARE. GO QUICKLY. MAKE HASTE!!!)On Thursday, Weston and I drove to Santa Monica to visit Tim's office and have dinner together as a family. But first, I got to explore the
Third Street Promenade, which is this cute, pedestrian-only shopping district:

There are all these cool dinosaur accents, like dino-foliage and dino-fountains:

And there are some AMAZING deals:

Weston just took it all in, like a good little tike:

Since this is Jean we're talking about, of course I had to track down Santa Monica's cupcake bakeries. First on the list was
Vanilla Bake Shop:

It was very polished and trendy inside, with many delicacies adorning their bakery case:

However, they didn't have the cupcake varieties that Tim and I wanted, so instead I just treated myself to a teeny-tiny "icebox dessert shot," which was cute, but unfortunately not two-dollars-cute:

Then I went to
Yummy Cupcakes, in hopes that they would have the ones we wanted:

Score!! They have a huge variety of cupcakes there. I got our favorites, and we ate them later that night. (Sadly, Yummy wasn't on par with
Sprinkles or
Dots, though.)

Then, Weston and I went to Tim's office, where
this greeted us:

We visited his workstation (a.k.a. every adolescent's dream workstation):

What got me most excited (of course) was all the free food in the break room:

And holy cow, they have a free soda fountain there (LUCKY):

On Saturday, Tim's and my sixth anniversary (woot woot!), we went to Union Station to see the
Christmas Carol train tour. Unfortunately, the wait to go inside the train was four hours long, so we decided to just walk around outside instead (haha):

It was pretty cool!

But a reeeeeaaaaally long line:

I can't think of anything to write for this picture:

There was a jazz band, and a giant inflatable theater (where, supposedly, they showed a preview of the movie or something):

Me and the kid:

Yay for gates -- endless toddler entertainment:

He had fun walking around and pointing and trying to steal other people's strollers:

Then we exited Union Station and walked over to
Olvera Street, which is a fun Mexican market / cultural center / historic site:

There were many booths, and it was very crowded:

It smelled of flowers and delicious Mexican food:

Even though the market was packed, it was lovely to walk around there:

Many of the vendors sell leather goods and traditional Mexican items, but a lot of them also sell crappy knock-offs, like this "Super Hero" set, comprised of action figures that clearly do not go together (and which also says, "This is Batman! He will catch all baddy!", which of course we loved):

And it got better... we also found an awesome "Transformable" action figure:

We devoured a couple of hot, crispy, amazingly delicious churros, and I also attempted to eat a very messy chicken sope (which Tim, of course, had to capture):

On the way back on the train, we discovered that Weston does, in fact, approve of his sunglasses now:

How cute is that:

That night was our date night. We ate at a Brazilian churrascaria (YUM), and then we saw Terminator Salvation (meh). Tim asked me to take a picture of him in front of this Transformers... thing... (they've definitely taken movie posters to the next level), but unfortunately it didn't turn out too well, haha (sorry, hon):

On Memorial Day, we visited the
Garden Grove Strawberry Festival. You may already know
how I feel about strawberries. So, we jumped at the chance for some fresh strawberry shortcake, even though it was really crowded and the lines were terribly long:

Alas, success!! (Notice how I'm wearing red. I did that on purpose. I'm such a strawberry dork.)

We walked around a bit and checked out all the rides (but didn't go on any, because they were crazy expensive):

There were lots of good rides and games to choose from, which would have pleased us if we were the carnival ride-types:

Then we crossed the street to a neat little park to let Weston walk around a bit (without being trampled by the carnies):

And we saw ducklings!!! DUCKLINGS!!!!!!! I took like 15 pictures of them, but ultimately made the agonizing decision to just post this one (oh my fluffity cuteness):

Weston, as usual, only wanted to push the stroller around:

Then we met up with our favorites
Nutters and headed out to dinner! How precious is this family photo:

It's nice that Weston has reached the age where he can move freely and interact with others. He and Malia had lots of fun together:

They chased:

And chased some more:

And chased some more (I think Weston is still in love):
I didn't realize you'd worn red on purpose... I would've pointed & laughed had I known that. Next time, I guess.
We miss you! Come back! Let's play!
(oddly enough, that didn't feel like 44 photos....honestly. I guess I'm easily amused).
Definitely not too many photos. I was thoroughly entertained. I'm jealous of your fun week. And, the "dorky strawberry" picture is a really cute one of you. Weston just continues to get cuter and cuter. I can't get enough of his hair cut.
Yay for a bajillion pics!! Every post should have that many. Especially with your new camera!!
I must say that my favorite 2 pics were the ones with Weston rocking his sunglasses! (We still can't get Killian to keep his on for more than 2 minutes. Bummer.)
PS- your posts always make me hungry. There's so much yumminess out there that can't be found here - churros, cupcakes, mexican food...and so on. Let's make it a goal to find cupcakes when you're out here!
i like the mega photo overload. especially also like the red-for-strawberries shirt, the AMAZING snack food break room (i'd def have diabetes if MY work had one of those) and of course weston's little shades. how was the gold line? you encountered our daily commute -- i love olvera street food also :)
You always manage to crack me up. One day we'll actually make it to SoCal so we can meet fo' real!
Thanks for the photos! I had comments for many of them but each of them made me forget the last, so... Happy Anniversary! It looks like you have been up to some really fun stuff!
Wow. what a jam-packed weekend! Glad you made it to the Strawberry yumminess too. MMMMMM.
That last picture of Weston is so cute!
LOVE the long post--I say the more pictures, the better. Looks like a fun long weekend!
Thanks! There's no such thing as "photo overload" to a grandma. I'm loving his toothy smiles. Four owies at his doctor visit? That's so unfair.
I'm with Doris...bring on the photos! Entertaining post, makes me motivated to do more. I can't believe I missed the Strawberry Festival....there is always next year. Awesome picture of baby fuzzy yellow ducks!! I haven't seen yellow ducklings in a long time and those were just precious!
You are so funny, Jean! I love this. And seriously, I always get hungry when I read your blog. YUM! Weston is so SO cute! Love that cute, big head!! Did you buy any shorts? I love the Nutters!! And I think it's awesome that you wore red (I'm a fan of dressing up for anything).
Those 44 pictures went by SO FAST! I love it!
So, Jean, how do you feel about pancakes with strawberries on top??
I love seeing all of the photos! Looks like a fun weekend. Next time you go to Olivera street you MUST get taquitos at our favorite stand. They are to die for!
TWO shorts for $100????? What a deal.
And I can't believe Weston will keep the sunglasses on! That's incredible!
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