Tuesday, September 15, 2009

L.A. County Fair 2009

Team Anderson went to the L.A. County Fair on Labor Day. Whee! And now for a short excerpt from the popular book, Blogging About Your Visit To The Fair:

Preferred: A nice, brief, contained summary of the experience. (Example: my friend Laura's recent trip to the Utah State Fair.)
Discouraged: An absurdly long, extreme-photo-overload account of every infinitesimal, irrelevant detail. (Example: scroll down.)

So, I've been so pumped for the L.A. County Fair, ever since we missed going last year. I was most looking forward to the weird fair food. Tim, for his part, was most looking forward to... well... nothing. I kind of dragged him along. But don't worry, once he found out how swelteringly HOT it was, and how insanely CROWDED it was, he started to get really excited.

Fortunately, we went on Labor Day when admission was just $1.00 before one o'clock. (It's regularly $12 on weekdays and $17 on weekends - yikes!!)
Unfortunately, everyone else in the entire county had apparently also learned of this delicious little secret, and had also decided to come. So, we waited on the highway:
And we waited at the parking lot entrance... (no picture available). And we waited in the parking lot... (no picture available). And we walked and walked and walked to the front entrance... (no picture - too hot and angry). And we waited in the ticket line (yay, a picture!):
And finally, we got in!!!
We were hungry right away, so we scored an early lunch at one of the food booths (which was smart, since by noon the lines were REALLY long):
Then we wandered. We passed the requisite Giant Horse attraction (which, if you look closely, is next to the Giant Steer and Smallest Horse attractions):
We watched a mini-monster truck rally:
And Weston discovered a cool "safari" area...
...while I discovered that THIS is what the back of my hair looks like:
Don't fret, you guys, the day was not lost for Tim. He came upon a Star Wars-themed car, complete with R2D2 in the back:
I had to take a picture of the giant hot tub tent. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I'm in the market for a hot tub, I head to the nearest county fair:
Then we wandered into the farm animal area. There was a big clump of sleeping (or perhaps dead) pigs:
But as it turned out, a little more action was goin' down at the sheep area. This mama sheep had just given birth a few minutes earlier to this newborn lamb (and you can still see the afterbirth... haha, gross):
Weston had loads of fun running around a mini hay maze:
Farm fresh fun!!
And he also had SO MUCH FUN at this pretend supermarket:
He pushed that little cart up and down every aisle, taking great care to pick out his items and place them into the cart:
(Although he had a little trouble with the giant packs of paper towels):
And now for the best part -- THE CRAZY FAIR FOOD!!! We saw signs for all different kinds of bizarre delicacies. (I use the term "delicacies" loosely.) For instance, chocolate-covered bacon:
Chocolate-covered cotton candy:
Krispy Kreme chicken sandwiches:
And fried White Castle burgers:
We also saw this kid with a "Texas donut." It was about the size of a plate:
Because we split the sausage sandwich, we still had some room for dessert, but we couldn't make up our minds. So, we tried two things. First, a massive whoopie pie (also about the size of a small plate):
(Don't worry, we didn't finish that baby.) And second, fried s'mores (yes, fried s'mores!):
This is what it looked like on the inside:
(Do you have diabetes yet? Because I can keep going!! Haha!)

Anyway, it was a great time!! (It was alright - just really crowded and hot and overpriced.) Weston had SO much fun!! (We tried to counteract the sweaty, tired tantrums with lots of snacks.) And guess what - Tim ended up LOVING it!! (Yeah... he hated it. But fortunately, he endured for my sake. I love that guy.) YAY!!!!!
(Abbie, I totally stole the mini-writing from you. Thanks.)

Until next time, L.A. County Fair!


daMawma said...

What, no "KFC-type" bucket of French fries? Anyway, I'm lovin' that footlong hotdog! County fair days and Halloween night are the best junk food times.
Weston looks like a pro with that tiny shopping cart.

Liz Johnson said...

The picture of that sheep's afterbirth was the best of this entire post. AWESOME.

Emily said...

the OC fair was right up the street from us but we were lame and didn't go, maybe next year. I love Weston's adorable Transformer shirt!

Lesley said...

I want a Krispy Kreme burger more than I have wanted anything ever before. YUM!

I love the gleeful picture of Weston frolicking in the hay maze! How fun!

Abbie said...

A newborn lamby. Aww. Weston is so cute! What a fun way to spend the holiday, even if everyone in CA was there too. Now excuse me while I go try to find chocolate covered cotton candy.

La La Land said...

Your experience looked similar to ours, and I would have preferred to take as many photos as you did. But, I didn't have Steve there to help me...hence the short post. Yours was much more entertaining and I really want a Krispy Kreme burger.

Tiff said...

Little LA County Fair trivia for you:

Did you know that the Winkel Family Band performed at the L.A. County Fair every summer for 8 consecutive years?

So, while your fair experience looked fun, filling, and frolicky.... it wasn't complete, because the Winkel Family is no longer touring there.

So sad for you.

lyndsey said...

ohhh jean i so love your recaps. and that hot dog is looking pretty delicious to me right now at 8:51 a.m. thanks for the great travelog :)

James Cramer said...

Hey Jean and Tim, that fair looks pretty cool, I'd go just for the mini-monster truck rally.