Friday, October 23, 2009

We Have Fun

(Have you noticed that I've been blogging a lot lately? I've noticed it, too. I just keep thinking of things that I want to write about, so brace yourself - there's more a-comin'!)

The other night, Sherri (of cinnamon roll fame) hosted a girl's night at her house. So, of course I was totally pumped to go. Y'know why?

(1) I love my friends. (And I know there were some of you fantabulous Pasadena girls who couldn't make it, but just know that I love you, too, and you were missed that night. And there are also many of you who do not live in Pasadena, but just know that I love you and miss you ALL the time.)

(2) I love doing social things without Weston. (Son, believe me, I adore you.) It is just SO much easier and more fulfilling to spend time with girlfriends when we don't have our children. At least for me, if I'm with a friend but watching Weston, I usually can't talk for more than 30 seconds at a time because he's constantly running off. (I often find myself saying over my shoulder, "Uh-huh, I know!" really loudly as I'm running off to keep up with Weston.) And even if he stays in one place, I'm so preoccupied with him that it's hard to conduct a normal conversation. (Does this sound familiar?: "I went to the mall the other day -- honey, don't touch that, it's yucky -- and I saw the funniest thing -- honey, Mommy said don't touch -- and it turned out -- honey, NO, not in your mouth!" etc.) So, it is soooooo nice to spend an evening with friends WITHOUT those adorable, distracting, social-sucks that we call children. (And Weston, really, I love you.)

So, the girl's night at Sherri's place was a really fun time, featuring both raucous laughter and lots of talk of worms (my two ingredients for a great night). It was extra special, too, because Summer printed out several copies of a Halloween banner template (care of this lady), so that we could make pretty, festive banners. I was very happy about this, because my new banner brings my Halloween decor total to a whopping 2.

Plus, people brought AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS sweet treats to share, and Sherri also whipped up her famous wassail. In case you're wondering, I contributed a batch of Paula Deen's cookie dough truffles. I was actually watching the episode where she makes these while eating lunch one day (I usually watch Paula Deen while eating lunch because she comes on right at 12:00), and I could NOT take my eyes off the television. The real things did not disappoint either, you guys. If you love cookie dough and chocolate-covered things, then definitely give this a whirl.

I ended up bringing my camera with me, too. Most of the time, I leave it at home for friendly get-togethers because it can be kind of a chore to lug around. But, it's been a few weeks since I've posted pictures of me with pals, so I decided the other night that it was time once again to document our lovely cuteness before we get all old and weird-looking. You'll also notice that I'm including nicknames for my friends that were decided somewhat arbitrarily:

Karla ("chickens are the devil") and Sherri ("Switzerland")

Summer ("hot armpits") and Jenny ("Sneaky McGee")

Me ("I lick crosswalk buttons") and Lauren ("I hate Utah") (Don't worry, she doesn't really!)

Danielle ("seeeeecret video game player")

Rebecca ("boobs") (hahahaha) and Sherice ("I love potato salad but it makes me want to hurl")
Thanks again for hosting, Sherri!!! YAAAAAAY for girly fun!


daMawma said...

Sheesh! You gals can go for three more decades before you get old and weird-looking. I speak from experience!

dietcokegrrl said...

Aw man! So sorry I had to miss this one. **sigh*

Looks like I missed out on some funny conversations. Next time...

lyndsey said...

so fun! wow, sounds like this one could possibly have topped last time w/ all the breastfeeding and girls' camp and thanks for that link to the cookie truffles -- i am totally going to try them!!

Liz Johnson said...

Aw girl fun. I'm jealous! I'm glad you had fun though. :)

Abbie said...

Jean! I so want to have a GNO with you! They really are the best and I believe they make us better mothers. So, Children, listen up! Let your mommas have some girl time and she won't yell at you as much.

Okay, you and Eli can be friends because you both lick disgusting public places. Did you teach hom to lick the subway window?

And those cookie truffles could kill me. SO GOOD!!

dana said...

totally fun night! Sounds like some crazy conversations went on. LOVE that stuff!

Lauren said...

Thanks for posting this. No one can do a re-cap like you. It was a fun night! We should definitely do more of these.

B Brown said...

Much was divulged and much was learned on this night. I prefer "ta-ta's" or "melon's" for future reference :)

Anne Marie said...

Jean, I'll bet you really understand now why "Sewing Circle" started all those years and children ago. Tell your girlfriends about it and get one started. Remember, you start with a night out and build up to a week. It takes a few years, but it is sooo worth it - and makes us better mommies. I guess we are old and weird looking by now, but we are HAPPY when we get together - 27 years and counting!

James Cramer said...

Ok a little clarification sis "...the girl's night at Sherri's place was a really fun time, featuring both raucous laughter and lots of talk of worms..." What's up with the worms? Please explain to the blogging public.

Lisa said...

NICE! Girl time rocks. That conversation while taking care of kid sounds extremely familiar :)

Headle said...

What a fantastic girls night!! Your friends seem sooo cool!!

Those cookie dough truffles sound delicious!!! What an awesome idea! :)

Emily said...

that is so awesome about the price is right! i miss bob barker. I will have to tune in dec. 8th!

sachia said...

So- bummed I missed out but will surely try for the next time.

I lick crosswalk buttons?? Too funny!

gunnfam said...

Jean, you are now the offical photographer! I always forget my camera, and now with Dana gone there is a vacancy. Thanks for coming and bringing your yummy treat. You're amazing. Oh, and I'm stealing your pics by the way. =)