Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's Induction Time! Ka-CHOW!


So, I'm being induced tomorrow (Friday) morning. A tentative induction had previously been set for next Tuesday, but at my appointment on Wednesday, I still wasn't very progressed (still only about 2 cm). Plus, my mother-in-law is only here for so long, and I'd reeeaaaally like her help with the newborn. So, my doctor said we could just bump up the induction to Friday, which is the plan now! I guess seven days overdue with Megamind is a little better than nine days overdue with Weston, right?

So, wish me luck! I have NO idea what to expect with an induction, and I have butterflies in my stomach. (They're mixing with the Cafe Rio tamales. C'mon, how can I not take advantage of Tamale Thursday for my last meal?) Anyway, my goal tomorrow is to NOT end up with a C-section, although statistically speaking, inducing increases that possibility. Here's hopin.'

Oh, and Tim and I went to see Thor tonight. It was pretty awesome. However, on the way home from Cafe Rio and Target, I sat with Weston in the backseat and he held both my hands (a very uncommon, cuddly gesture from him). After we dropped him and Gangy off at home to head to the theater, I started crying in the car because I realized that this is the last time that it's going to be just him. And thinking about that makes me want to cry all over again. (Is there such a thing as pre-baby blues? Because I'm FEELIN' the wacky emotions already, folks!!!)

So, there's a lot on my mind right now. I reeeaaally hope that I do okay with the induction. I reeeaaally hope that Weston does okay with this baby. And I reeeaaally hope that the "Doomsday" people are right, that the Day of Rapture will occur on May 21st and not May 20th. I'd really like to deliver this baby in a nice, clean, functional hospital before all the chaos and mass destruction ensues. :-)


Abbie said...

Oh my gosh! You're gonna have a baby (and maybe/hopefully on my baby's birthday!) Sooooooo excited for you! I remember feeling the same way with Eli when we said goodbye to him and headed to the hospital. Let me tell you, when Weston walks in that room and meets Magamind for the first time...YOU WILL DIE with happiness. It is the sweetest moment of my life so far. Dead serious. It's gonna be great!


So excited I'm peeing in my pants!

p.s. check ssmap for too little too late advice.

A BABY!!!!!!

Tiff said...

I remember feeling that way, Jean - almost like I was somehow betraying Malia by DARING to have another child. But you have to remember you are GIVING him a sibling, which he will someday come to value more than ANYTHING.

Good luck tomorrow! I can't wait to see pictures!

daMawma said...

#29,942. Tamales were a good choice before NPO status. Either hormones or TAMALES could be the reason for a weepy time. Hope you have a "delivery doctor" under contract by now. LUVewe!

Liz Johnson said...

29,955. I remember sobbing the night I put Connor to bed before having Ian. These things are normal, and he will adjust and be so grateful for his little brother (eventually). Plus he'll probably be the cutest big brother EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Operation: Avoid A C-Section is a GO!

Lisa said...

29,957. Dang it!

I am so excited for you!! You are having a baby TODAY!! It's a very good day. It's my parent's anniversary, my MIL's birthday, a friend's birthday, and learning about Busta Rhymes made me incredibly happy.

You can do it!!

Deidra said...

I hope things are going well (or even better, went well!) Hooray for a new little baby.

I never understood how anyone could want just one child until we had Amelia. With one whole month under our belt, I can totally see how #1 is just so perfect that you want to keep the family at three. (I also never got the allure of newborns until she came. So I can now see why people get baby hungry and want another one, too!)

Can't wait to hear the news of your little arrival!

Kira said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! It's finally the day! Can't wait to meet Megamind! And I too had those same feelings with Dawson when I knew we were about to head to the hospital to have Kate. But over time you find the time to spend one on one with each of them, and of course they love having each other around.
I'm sure everything is/will go great, it seems that you are in excellent hands!

Headle said...

How exciting!!! I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow!

We will all be soo excited to meet sweet baby #2!

You are going to do GREAT!!!

daMawma said...

#29,992. Rats! Missed getting that kid by 8.

Dana Carlin said...

29,993 - come onnn! he will be miiine!!!

i ate a baja fresh cheese quesadilla right before being induced with killian. i don't know what i was thinking. it did not end well.