Saturday, June 9, 2007

Our Buds the Nutters

We met up with the Nutters and the Prestons at House of Blues in Downtown Disney on May 31st for some new adventures with old friends. The Prestons lived in our apartment building in Utah, while the Nutters (shown above) lived one building away. And presto! Fate brings us all to Southern California! Most of the fun that evening was discussing our various, exciting forays into real life, although it was also very amusing to watch Malia perform animal noises on command. Excellent training, Tiffany. Excellent.


Liz Johnson said...

Turning... bright... green. SO jealous. I'm glad you guys had a good time! Malia is such a doll.

Those of us still stuck in the rabbit hutches miss you guys.

Janelle said...

Hey Tim & Jean--
We're glad to see you have a blog we can check often! Sounds like you're having a good time!
Janelle & Keith

Wendi said...

Wow! Malia has grown so much since we lived above them! I can't decide who she looks more like. She looks a lot like Tiffany, but that goofy face looks a lot like Dave. I'm with Liz... jealous that we missed out on such a good time.