Thursday, June 7, 2007

Top 10 Europe Pictures: Artistic Category Part 2

A small and very old alleyway in the Tower of London. (Did you guys know that William Penn was a prisoner in the Tower of London for two years? Go PA!!! Fight the power!!! Peaceably as Quakers, of course.)

A Parisian street market offering fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and for some reason, Greek food.

La Tour Eiffel. (Tim says the buildings to the side help show scale, thus making the Tower even more impressive. Art 101 for Jean.)

The Sacre Coeur Basilica at Montmartre in Paris.

A lovely dusk scene in Montmartre.


Liz Johnson said...

Is Montmatre the place from Moulin Rouge? I love that movie.

Lauri said...

You Guys!!! These pictures rock. It looks like you had such an amazing trip! I want to see more. What was your favorite city?