Here's Jean holding our nephew Killian while we were back visiting our families in PA (that's Pennsylvania, for you state-abbreviationally challenged) for Christmas and New Year's. He's seven months old now, and cute as a button.
From left to right, this is Lauri, Karyn, and Jean at Karyn's wedding reception. We were able to attend during our trip back home, and it was great to catch up with some old high school friends with whom we do not visit very often, being 3,000 miles away and all. It was a very nice wedding, and we wish Karyn and Ed a wonderful and happy marriage.
My sister Dana takes down 9 pins during our Christmas Day Wii Sports Bowling Tournament '07 (or CDWSBT '07, for the tournament-abbreviationally gifted among you). They got a new 50" HDTV for Christmas, and it looked pretty nice.
Below are two of my brothers, Brett (11) and (bottom) Mark (18) with nephew Killian. If you hadn't guessed, Mark is the one rockin' the giant fro, a talent that he alone possesses among us Anderson boys. We had a fun trip back to PA and have returned to Pasadena to rearrange and build new furniture in preparation for our little guy. He gets bigger every day, and his movements in the womb now fall more into the "squirming" category than that of "kicking." It's really fun to try to guess what body part is poking out as he moves around. I'm really excited to get to know him, as is Jean, though we are both willing to wait until the due date.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy New Year, and we wish you all the best in 2008!
Tim, you do a great job too as a blogger. We were so happy to see you both over the Christmas break. Just wait until you find out how very complicated putting together a crib can be!
Nice work, Tim!
Thank goodness Jean is back at the keyboard, 'cause Tim, FYI- Killian is not even 6 months old yet. So unless you took that picture in the future, there is no way he's 7 months old there.
slander. . .
As a matter of fact, I DID take that picture in the future. He doesn't change much from now to then, sorry to ruin the surprise.
Great post Tim! Keep 'em coming! :)
Do you play Wii? We've never played but it looks fun.
Hooray for Tim! :)
P.S. I heart the Wii.
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