Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Higher They Soar, the Harder They Crash

First a disclaimer: Notice the different font color and typeface. As usual, they indicate that this is a post by Tim. The opinions found in this commentary do not represent the views of Jean Anderson or any of her subsidiaries. On with the post…

So, many of you have been asking about my reaction to Indiana Jones. Let me say that you should all see it and form an opinion for yourselves, because you may go into it with different expectations than I did. After all, I think any movie can be great if you just lower your expectations enough (Transporter 2, I’m looking in your direction). One’s satisfaction with a movie really comes down to what he expects to see and how it does or does not live up to expectations.

For example, I expected to see a movie starring my favorite action hero, Indiana Jones. I expected flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants action and adventure. I expected decent acting and good-enough dialogue. I hoped the effects would serve the story and not George Lucas’ desire to replace all reality with undercooked CG effects. I expected thrills, stunts, and light-hearted humor. I expected to see a movie that felt like Indiana Jones. I expected a movie that didn’t suck. That's not too much to expect, is it?

Apparently it is. Guess I shouldn’t have had such "lofty" expectations…


Jean said...

LOL. (Spoiler alert!) Well, I guess that's what you get for having completely reasonable expectations for a good film (haha). I went into it expecting only mediocrity (just in case), so the CG-monkey scene totally didn't bother me. Nor the mile-high refrigerator rocket that caused absolutely no harm to its passenger. Et cetera. (ha ha)

However, I commend it for its funny moments. I think I'd be willing to see it again for those. And the motorcycle chase. That was pretty cool too (old Indy-style, I'd even say).

But I commend YOU, dear, for maintaining certain expectations anyway, because it keeps people like Spielberg and Lucas slightly humbler than they might otherwise be. :-) So good job. Way to keep the industry working hard.

Brooke said...

OUCH. It was okay... except the X-files ending and the CG monkeys.

Liz Johnson said...

I don't remember if I said this before, but I've never seen an Indiana Jones flick. Apparently I had a sub-par childhood.

daMawma said...

I'm so sorry that your "inner 9-year-old" was disappointed by this Indiana Jones sequel. Keep your standards high though.

I remember my ghastly (ghostly?) disappointment over the time and money I spent to see Ghostbusters II.