Maybe so, because this year flew right by. Already I have memories that are becoming vague: holding his teeny little body, panicking at the slightest cry or stir, swaddling him, jiggling him to sleep at night, lying him on the playmat, carrying him around in his carseat, cleaning his spit-up off my clothes, nursing him nursing him nursing him (and that was only three months ago). It's amazing how time flies with a new baby -- I knew that he'd develop rapidly, but I didn't know that he'd stop being a baby so quickly.
Anyway, here's the birthday boy!!!
Now, for your viewing pleasure, let's take a stroll down memory lane. I say "your viewing pleasure," but really I mean mine, because when Weston's 14 years old and we're at the mall and he sees a group of his friends and tells me to hide in another store, then I can look back at this blog post and scroll through the pictures while gingerly touching the computer screen and weeping into Weston's baby blankie that I searched for and finally found smushed into the corner under his bed along with old sneakers and gum wrappers. Haha! But seriously... I love my little guy.
Newborn Weston
Way to go Weston!!! Happy Birthday little guy! We love you!
Statistics show that the most stressful time in a marriage is the first year with a first baby. You and Tim have demonstrated love, maturity, commitment, and wisdom. Team Anderson made it happen for all three of you! I could not stop smiling throughout the picture gallery. Love you guys!
yay! happy birthday weston! so fun to see those old pictures from before i knew he existed :) what a cute boy.
(and thanks for editing out his little bum...naked pics are just SO inappropriate. HA!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WESTON!!!!!!!! May this next year be even better. My favorite age EVER (ok, between 0 and 28 months) is 12-18 months... I think you'll love it.
Time to crank out more adorable Anderson children, Jean. I mean, seriously. Your kid is one and you're not 8-9 months pregnant? Get with the program, please.
SO CUTE!!!! Happy Birthday Weston!!!!
Oh, I LOVE the month by month gallery!!! I'm totally doing that next time!! Why couldn't I start having kids after you so you could give me all these great ideas?? Looks like our third will be spoiled :D
Have a very, very happy day!!!!! Can't wait to see the chocolate face shots!!
Happy Birthday, Weston! You are a handsome little guy! But I am miffed we weren't invited to eat and smear cake with you... :) Texas isn't SO far away...
I agree with Liz-- 12 -18 months is incredibly fun! It doesn't really stop at 18 months, either. Here's to another wonderful year and all those great accompanying blog posts!
ACK! Happy Birthday, Weston! Man that was unbelievably faaaaaaaaaaast! But then again, I think I had morning sickness at his blessing, and now Cecily is almost 3 months old, so it makes sense.
He is so HANDSOME I can hardly STAND it! Give him a b-day spanking from the Nutters!
Oh little fuzzy head Weston! Loved the recap in pictures. It shows just how dang fast they grow. It's a bit sad huh? I miss my little Owen. But this stage is hilarious and fun too. See you at the park!
I love the photo recap! He's adorable, and is only getting cuter. Seriously, 1?! ONE?!?! So crazy!
PS You're more optimistic than I. I was thinking the whole "you must walk 7 steps behind me and never acknowledge our relation" thing would start as soon as we hit the double digits...I do have a girl though. :)
Awwww, Happy Birthday, little guy. Isn't it incredible how fast they grow up? Like SERIOUSLY!! And seeing the pictures one by one really lets ya know how fast they grow up.
And I totally want to steal that birthday morning picture idea--hope you don't mind :)
Oh my gosh he's adorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WESTON!!! This made me cry. I can't believe how fast he is growing. Slow down little man!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
Happppppeeeeeeeeeee Birthday to a really cute little boy!
Holy Cow! Congratulations -- i can't believe it's been a year. yea for you guys. time to start thinking about another one ;)...
Happy Birthday little guy! I can not believe you are one! It feels like yesterday when I was obsessively checking your blog to see if you were born.
P.S. Weston, you are so CUTE at every age so far.
LOVE all the pictures and the new tradition of a birthday morning picture. Adorable as always!!
Can't believe it's been a year already...seriously, where does the time go??
OMG Jean I love the 8 month old picture of baby Yoda, keep them comming. - Bro
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