Saturday, February 28, 2009

Super Fantastic Birthday Extravaganza!!

Well, Weston's first birthday shaped up to be a great event, and even though he had no idea that anything was going on, I think the little guy enjoyed himself. Happy birthday, fella!! Here's how everything played out:


Rather than organizing an actual birthday party (given that, like I said, Weston still doesn't really have any idea what's going on around him), we instead invited several of Weston's other baby friends to a "Baby Party in the Park" in the afternoon. It was great! There was nosh for the kids and the grownups, and there was an adjacent playground for the little ones so that they wouldn't get too antsy. Weston LOVED exploring the playground with Daddy and getting to follow around the other kids and stare at them (which he does for some reason). It was darling.

Here's the spread (hummus with tomatoes, carrots, & pita chips, chicken salad with rolls, and a baby buffet of snacks):
Here's the rest of the spread (brownies with coconut creme Hershey Kisses, madeleines, and strawberries with sweet dip):
(Can ya tell that I love preparing food for parties? It's my only excuse to go all out.)

Here are a few of the partygoers with their little ones (Jen & Ellie, Megan & Elijah, Natalie & Fallon):
Here is the youngest baby in attendance, the littlest Hernandez:
Weston got to hang out with his buds, like Ethan:
And he got to play the Slide Game with Daddy. First, Tim holds his hands and helps him walk up the slide:
Then Tim turns him around and slides him back down, to Weston's great delight:
Here's a scattering of some of the littles (Fallon, Kate, Owen, Ethan, and Lucy, in no particular order):
Weston LOVED sitting on Tim's shoulders:
I think he likes being super tall:
Now for some really great photographs of the party! Hooray! Many thanks to Dana, who is not only shockingly creative but who also has mad photo skills. Check 'em out!!
Jean and Tim and windswept Weston:
Lauren (See those two little heads there? Yep, they're her babies. Both of them. How does she do it? I don't know exactly. She's an amazing mom, but I also think she's part superhero.)
Megan and little Elijah with his giant and ridiculously cute grin:
Karla and her adorable, wiggly, curly-haired cutie Paige:
Sexy new mommy (thrice now) Doris, along with the fabulous photographer herself, Dana:
Niki, having lots of fun with her precious and super friendly (but slightly uncooperative) daughter Mia:
Sunshiny Natalie with adorable, energetic, carrot-munchin' Fallon:
And finally, my Weston, looking very mellow and content at the conclusion of the party:

We returned home for presents time with Weston. He enjoyed investigating the novel new items:
He especially liked the colorful blocks that (WHOA!) attach together!
He also enjoyed banging on the boxes. Therefore, a couple of his toys will stay in the boxes until the boxes lose their allure, and then we'll actually open them up:
He was super excited about a package from Gangy and Grandalf (thank you!!!):
He loved playing with the tag on a new stuffed animal:
Which, we decided, is the strangest little stuffed animal we've ever seen:
And he was OBSESSED with the tissue paper. He grabbed it and shook it and waved it around. It was hilarious:


Finally it was time for birthday cake! We naturally assumed that it would be delicious, messy, chocolatey insanity, so we stripped Weston down, placed him on a tablecloth on the floor, and presented him with a big slice of cake that he could start tearing into:
However, no "tearing into" occurred. Instead, Weston shivered and cried that his cake was one big lump instead of small, bitesize pieces:
So, birthday cake, take 2! We put a sweatshirt on him, placed him in his more familiar highchair, and started breaking off little pieces of cake. He still whimpered and cried during his first couple bites:
But then he started to really like it:
He nibbled:
And he licked his fingers:
And he stuffed his mouth:
And he ate and ate and ate:
So, we think he likes chocolate cake. All in all, a great first birthday for our favorite Weston!


daMawma said...

What fun to watch Weston eat his birthday cake! Let's hope he is not allergic to chocolate (oh my!)

Liz Johnson said...

Hahahahahaha those cake pictures are HILARIOUS. Happy Birthday, Weston!!

lyndsey said...

ha! i love the baby buffet...hilarious. dang jean, you can throw a party w/ a smorgasboard for adults AND babies!
and thank you for posting the requisite cake-eating pictures. i get sad when people don't.

Deidra said...

The food is my favorite part of parties. (I think I just had a revelation: that's why I love hosting parties-- for the food!) It looks like a terrific spread.

And what a cute bunch of mamas!

Lisa said...

What a great idea to have a little park party! And I love love LOVE that you had snacks for the kids. That's awesome.

And I love the cake pictures!! I love how all of a sudden he's like, "Wow, this stuff if pretty yummy!!"

Happy Birthday, little Weston!!

dana said...

Okay, wait...THATs the chocolate Costco cake you were talking about??? I'm coming right over! :)
What a fun birthday. Your kids are gonna love all their parties in the years to come. You are a great party-throwin mama.
Thanks for inviting us!

dietcokegrrl said...

I just love that you had to do a "take two" on the birthday cake! That totally made me laugh!
We had a great time and all the food was yummy--great spread! Thanks for inviting us!
And seriously, could I look any fatter in that picture? My only excuse is that I just gave birth 10 days before...

Lauren said...

Fabulous post. Fabulous party. Fabulous pictures.
And I must say, you have got one cute little one-year-old on your hands! I secretly inspected all the gifts you got him, so I can follow suit. It's nice having a friend 3 weeks older than the twins, cause I always know what to do. (and p.s. my super-hero abilities were our little secret. haha yeah, right.)

megan said...

been waiting for the recap! so so fun! thanks for inviting us!! and i love the chocolate cake pictures. your son could not get any cuter, seriously!

and I really really need to make a costco trip so i can pick me up some of that chicken salad!

Headle said...

What FUN pictures!! I absolutely LOVE that you had baby snacks ready for the kids...totally stealing that idea too!! Keep these amazing ideas comin' girly!!!

Weston is SO CUTE!! He's one? That just seems unreal to me. The cake pictures are classic :)

It was so fun to see all the pictures of your friends too!! They all look sooo nice!!!

Nat said...

Yay for Weston! Thanks for inviting us to celebrate his big 0-1. We had so much fun stuffing our faces and running around. :) The final pic of Weston is by far my favorite. So cute!

Jenn said...

Payton has that same little creature too. Does it make this strange laughing noise too? Any guesses as to what it is? We have no clue! But Payton loves it so I guess she'll be the type to bring home stray animals, hopefully that are easily recognizable as a bird, cat whatever. :)

Abbie said...

I so wish I could have joined you for the party! YAYAY for birthdays!

Lalee Photography said...

Only you would have a baby buffet, haha! You are so cute! What a great first birthday for Weston! I love the cake pictures. :-)

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Weston!!!

sachia said...

Guilt, and more guilt. How I missed this?? Not sure but I was so there in spirit. What a great idea and the pictures turned out incredible. Thanks for such a thorough recap, makes me feel as if I am there. The cake looks way good!!!! Weston partied hard, Happy first little guy.

La La Land said...

What a fun party! Happy Birthday Little W!