Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Editor's Note: This is an EXTREMELY random post. You guys will probably think I'm really weird.

Do you ever find yourself going from one webpage, to another, to another, to still another, and by the time you decide to step away from the computer, you've read and/or discovered the most random things you ever thought possible?

Well, that's happening to me right now. I came across an article on MSNBC about the complicated historical relations between Iran and Iraq, which of course I read. (I majored in international affairs, and love everything international/political/cultural.) Then I tracked down a map of the region so that I could better understand the article. Then I stared at the map for 10 minutes, examining every nook and cranny of the Middle East. (I also love maps; I would stare at maps all day if I could.)

Eventually I learned, much to my surprise, that the country of Azerbaijan includes a small, autonomous republic called Nakhchivan that is detached from the country proper by Armenia to its north. It's separated, so it resembles an independent state, but it's still part of Azerbaijan.

So naturally, in an effort to learn more about this mysterious little republic, I went to its home page and read all about the geography, history, culture, cuisine, health care, etc. The authors of the webpage attempted an English translation, and I applaud them. But here (finally) is the point of this blog post -- I chuckled a little when I read the description of one of the famous mineral water sources located northeast of the City of Nakhchivan:

"The right water is drunk in treating gastroentric diseases. The lake with sweet water, mnild climate, good scope view and very rich flora belonging to alp meadows impress on human very highly."

Now I must visit Nakhchivan. Where else in the world will the sweet water and good scope view impress on human very highly??

(Yes, this is what I do while Weston's napping. I'm SO productive.)


Lauren said...

Okay, this is hilarious on so many levels. First, I totally do this on Wikipedia all the time. Second, I love English translated things. I once saw a picture on the web making fun of this with a sign printed out with the words, "translation not available." Obviously, they thought that was the English translation of what they were trying to translate and they printed out a gigantic sign and left it at that. You just have to wonder who they get to do these translations. Thanks for brightening my day.
p.s. You better be at the pool today.

dietcokegrrl said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! I am always internet hopping (and blog hopping) and sometimes forget where I even started, but I always learn something new.

Love the random post!

Wendi said...

Haha! I loved this post. I love all the random crap you can find on the internet, and the various ways to get there. Thanks for sharing!

daMawma said...

Even as a child you were fascinated with globes and maps. You have an inquiring mind!

Abbie said...

I love doing stuff like that! The internet IS the greatest thing in the world! I tell ya, that was good stuff and something I love to do. I always pull up a map while I'm reading a book about a certain country and then I get pulled into something on the web and an hour is gone and it's time for babies to wake up and I'm still unshowered and unexercised. It also happens late at night. This is why I don't go to bed until 1am most nights.

Nat said...

HAHA! That is fantastic stuff. I'm never productive during Fallon's nap...I feel like that would defeat the point of me putting her down- to allow for ME time, of course. :) Who needs clean clothes or dishes??

Lisa said...

I always get distracted. And then Jonathan wakes up and I realize that I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING while he slept. That always makes me feel like a slacker.

I would like a mnild climate and very rich flora!

Liz Johnson said...

I must visit and have good time, yes?

sachia said...

You are totally justified in looking at random things ESPECIALLY when you share with us!!! When Sienna is down you betcha that I'm on the computer checking my e-mail. When else can we do it? Thanks for the fun post!

Emily said...

You are productive! Honestly, I feel enlightened by your productivity! Thanks for sharing!

Headle said...

When I was in Taiwan, we used to go into the stationary stores on P-days just to read their English translated greeting cards!! They were hilarious!

Very cool. I like the phrase "impress on human very highly." That's a keeper!! :) You are soo cute!!