Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bye-Bye Baby Mullet

Weston got his first (official) haircut yesterday! I say official, because I snipped the hairs around his ears at home once after noticing that they were way too long and were starting to make Weston look like a neglected backwoods child. But this time, we went to a proper salon (Supercuts) and gave him a proper haircut.

There were three of us: the stylist, Tim, and me. We all had different responsibilities:

Stylist: cut Weston's delicate, gossamer blond hair while he's crying, shaking his head, and flailing back and forth, while maintaining a completely steady hand and calm demeanor and avoiding any injury whatsoever.

Tim: hold Weston's head in place and talk gently to him, in order to decrease his crying, shaking, and flailing and therefore (hopefully) avoid injury.

Jean: take pictures and maintain a constant flow of Cheerios and cereal puffs into Weston's mouth.

All in all, it went great! Teamwork pays off. Here's the photo recap:

BEFORE picture #1 (Weston has a bump on his eye and a scab on his nose right now, which of course is perfect timing for his one-year portraits, so he's looking extra sad and disheveled here):
BEFORE picture #2:
Exploring the salon:
The stylist sits him down, snaps on a smock (which Weston does NOT enjoy), and examines his hair:
The cutting begins:
Tim was Weston's moral support:
Placing a cereal puff into Weston's mouth (before Mommy took over that job):
The cutting continues:
He's actually doing pretty well, and the stylist is a pro at keeping cool:
Hanging in there:
And we're done!
This was the crazy setup that we used to make Weston tall enough:
AFTER picture #1:
AFTER picture #2:


Lauren said...

Oh, he's so handsome.
And isn't amazing (and doesn't it make you feel like an awesome mom) how many bumps and bruises and scrapes can just magically appear on your child's face?

Tiff said...

He is seriously so fetchin' cute that I just want to bite him! I can, right? Cause the teeth marks'll just blend in with his other injuries...

Abbie said...

What a handsome fella! A three cheers for the team that made it happen.

James Cramer said...

Hey, that's cool you went to Supercuts, I go there as well.

Lisa said...

Yay Weston!! What a big boy. I laughed out loud at the before picture (before pictures are always supposed to look pathetic) and at how many booster things he was sitting on. You guys rock.

Liz Johnson said...

He looks GREAT! And even a bit happy in that second pic. :)

dana said...

Fun! I love first haircuts...and just in time for his big Par-tay!

Lalee Photography said...

My mom and I just looked at this together and we both awwwed for like 15 minutes! haha. He is so cute Jean. What a little sweetie! Yay first haircuts!

The Hunt House said...

Love it.....You should see me try to cut Owen's. It is comedy. He looks so much older. What a little man. See you tomorrow at the park!!!

Jay said...

haha! too cute! I love after pic # 2, it's almost as if he's saying, "yea, i know i look good"

daMawma said...

He's ultra manly now. In the future, when he becomes a Captain of Industry, I hope he won't need two boosters to sit in his executive chair at Board meetings. Co-operation is the name of the game for Team Anderson! Great photos!

lyndsey said...

so cute! glad this could be a family affair for all of you :)he looks so old after the haircut. as long as his anti-gravitational hair still sticks up, i'm happy!