Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All y'all who think dinosaurs are awesome say, "Yeah!"

It's (near) Tuesday again, and you all know what that means! So I won't bother telling you. As for my challenge last week, several people stepped up and did a great job with the Mr. T Haiku Challenge (henceforth known as MTHC'09). The following individuals receive the highest honor bestowed by Mr. T; namely, they are Somebody: Anne Marie, Liz, Chris, Jean, Peg, Jeremy, and Heather. If you do not see your name on the above list, you, sir or madame, are Somebody's fool, and have earned only Mr. T's pity. Please contact the nearest Somebody (refer to above list) to personally establish your relationship as his/her fool. Moving on...

I will abstain from a challenge this week, as Jean has issued one already, and I don't want our blog to gain a reputation as a place where you come only for literary abuse. Instead, I would like to discuss one of my perennially favorite topics: dinosaurs. Aren't dinosaurs awesome?

When I was a kid one of my favorite places in the world was the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. They had some great dinosaur skeletons on display, and a terrifyingly realistic animatronic dinosaur downstairs. Over the years, dinosaurs have continued to capture my interest and imagination. When I was at BYU, I often enjoyed going to their Earth Science museum to see the great skeletons there. Even here in LA, there are some great dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. I have a shelf full of dinosaur books and still remember a lot of dino facts from my early childhood (I was so proud of the fact that I could identify and pronounce "Parasaurolophus". Go ahead, try it... it's a doozy!).

Now, you're probably saying to yourself, "Wow, Tim really needs to grow up... My interest in dinosaurs has long been extinct." First of all, good play on words. Secondly, shut up. Thirdly... no that's it... just shut up.

Anyway, before I ramble any further, I'd like to focus my discussion into a list of why dinosaurs are awesome. I decided, considering the topic, to present it in an elementary school book report style. Feel free-- in fact, I invite you-- to add any items to this list in your comments. There may be something in it for you... (hint: there won't be).

Oh, and sorry about the "shut up" thing.


Liz Johnson said...

I think you pretty much summed it up, Tim. I give you an A+.

Chris said...

Reason 8:

Dinosaurs, anticipating their impending doom, decided they were too awesome to just fade out of existence, so they took measures to assure their survival and return. To name a few: they started adding a lot of calcium to their diet so that their remains would be preserved,they stopped swatting mosquitoes who fed on their blood in hopes that later, their DNA would be harvested,and they implanted spies from their world to keep an eye on ours (crocodiles, Joan Rivers, etc.).

Dana Carlin said...

Question: In the sketch of you riding the dinosaur to school, did you draw yourself as Indiana Jones? I'm pretty certain you did.

You would be very disappointed in Jeremy and Brett - they do NOT know their dinosaurs! I saw a toy in the weekly ads and I asked them to confirm that it was a dilophosaurus, and they looked at me like "Huh?"
I quickly berated them and told them it's the dinosaur that spits. Doi!

chartie said...

Very good report. Informative and detailed information. Gold star for Tim!

Jean said...

Excellent report, dear. I would add one thing to the list: (#8) They make excellent subjects for action movies. So, extra yay for dinosaurs!!

Tiff said...

I would add that because they are extinct, they have a certain mysterious and mythological quality about them, much like Santa Claus & unicorns.

And anything that belongs on a list with St. Nick or unicorns is awesome.

Master Jeremiah said...

First of all Dana, I'm going to have a word with you when you pick up the li'l turdling.

Second of all, i'd like to point out that it appears one of the raptors running has bitten off his own tongue in the excitement of his impending feast.

Lastley, I heard some dinasaurs are um...blind and um... have dogs named um..."doyouthinkhesawus rex."

daMawma said...

Also, raptors taste just like chicken.

Headle said...

Tim, you are just too creative!!!

My boys have also gone through many phases of pure obsession with dinosaurs, so I totally get it!! You should of heard me trying to pronounce some of those names a few years ago. I've gotten quite a bit of practice since then though, so now I'm a pro :)

Your drawings and art style are sooo awesome!

Wendi said...

Dinosaurs are the best. I got Zub his first two dinos this past christmas. I got another one the other day, just because I really felt he needed a stegosaurus... doesn't everyone need a stegosaurus?