Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday with Not Tim

Hey everybody! It's Jean, a.k.a. Not Tim. Tim is super busy today with his final projects, so he (sadly) does not have time for his weekly post. SO! I wanted to still post something, and since I can't think of anything creative or funny to write, I thought I would publish some Anderson Family FAQs. Be prepared to be updated!!

When are Tim’s classes over?

This is his last week of classes. After Saturday, he’ll be finished with the term. Woo!

Is he graduating?

Not yet. He’ll graduate in December, after one more term.

He wants to intern this summer, right? Does he have an internship?

We have some leads, but nothing is confirmed yet. We’ll definitely keep you posted. DEFINITELY. I think we ALL want to find out as soon as possible. (Oh the stress.)

What exactly is Tim studying?

He’s studying Entertainment Design. Entertainment/concept designers generally work in the fields of film or video games (and even theme parks), working with directors, art directors, and/or production designers to come up with the designs of characters, costumes, vehicles, props, and environments. For instance, when Peter Jackson wanted an idea for what Gondor might look like in Lord of the Rings, he hired concept designers to draw their vision of it. That’s what Tim will do – take the various concepts within stories or ideas and come up with designs for them.

What are his plans after graduation?

Get a job! He’s leaning towards video games, so hopefully he’ll be able to work in that field. We have no idea where we will end up, and we’re flexible, although we’d both like to get back to the East Coast someday.

Are you (Jean) working right now?

No... not really. Although I technically still “work” for Peterson Economics as an independent contractor, business has been very slow lately due to the real estate market downturn, and thus there’s little for me to do.

If you’re not working, then what do you do all day?

I used to wonder this of stay-at-home moms, too, before I had a baby. But now I get it. TOTALLY GET IT. There is a lot to do as a mom, and it would take a long time to explain. Try clicking HERE or HERE instead. Granted, my life is very slow, peaceful, and manageable right now, given that I have a student husband who’s able to be home off and on throughout the day, and that I have only one child, who happens to be sleeping 12 hours per night and taking two naps per day, and who happens to be in that golden 12-18 month stage where his adorableness is not yet being soured by temper tantrums. I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can while I can.

If Tim’s a student and you’re not working, then how do you have any money?

Loans, baby. LOANS.

What did you and Tim do today?

Tim worked on his final project for his Architecture class (designs for a Star Wars-themed restaurant), while I took Weston to his dermatologist appointment, and then went to the Autry Museum’s free day. While there, I happened to run into Weston’s long-lost Chinese twin, Wonton:

Later we headed to our friends’ house for a farewell potluck dinner in honor of an awesome family of soon-to-be Pasadena expatriates. (Sniffle sniffle. Natalie rocks my socks!!) Then, just like the past few nights, I read The Host for three hours straight. (Okay, I haven’t actually done that yet, but I’m itching to get back to the book, and I know I won’t be able to stop reading even when midnight rolls around!)

If Tim likes Star Wars so much, why doesn’t he own Episodes I and II?

Because he doesn’t want to sully his Star Wars collection with, and I quote, “their awesomelessness.”

Is Tim actually Weston’s father? He doesn't look anything like him.

Yes. I think. I’m pretty sure. We’re saying yes.

What wrong with Weston’s lip?

“It’s a birthmark.”

(Don’t feel bad if you ever asked us this! I love you all; you know that. I would totally ask, too. Fortunately, because of Weston’s situation, I’m able to identify hemangiomas now, so I don’t feel the urge to inquire of other people. There’s nothing wrong; it’s just there.)

Did you have any Shining Motherhood Moments in the past week?

Why yes, actually I did. I took Weston to the mall last week to play in the children’s play area. Whenever he’s there, he’s most interested in climbing on these fake, roof-less cars that are attached to the floor, so he did that most of the time, climbing into the little car, turning the steering wheel, looking at the other kids running around, climbing out, and then doing it all over again.

At one point when we were there last week, he was standing in the little car, just looking around. From where I was sitting on the bench, I could only see him from belly-up because my view was partially blocked by the rear end of the car. After several minutes, a lady sitting closer to him eventually called over to me very nicely, “Can you see your son?”

I smiled and replied, “Oh, yes, I can see him." (I figured she was concerned because of the groups of kids who were running in front of me every now and then.)

She said, “Okay, well his pants fell down, and I can’t stop looking at him.”

I hopped over towards the little car so that I could see him better, and sure enough, his (slightly too large) brown corduroy pants were completely around his ankles, and above that were his pale chubby legs and his diaper. In completely full view. Weston had been standing there the whole time, not because he was looking around, but because he was standing on the bottoms of his pants and couldn’t move. I quickly collected him and pulled his pants back up.

HAHAHA! Funniest. Thing. Ever. How long do you think the other parents at the play area were wondering when I was going to notice that my child was stuck in his pants that had completely fallen down?? Haha! Several of them kept looking and smiling my way after I fixed Weston up and let him go play again, when I was bright red and hysterically laughing.

My Shining Motherhood Moment of the Week. :-)


chartie said...

Wonton - haha, that really made me laugh.

dietcokegrrl said...

I literally laughed out loud at your Shining Motherhood Moment. Awesome!

lyndsey said...

so...i think i love tuesdays NOT with tim (sorry tim). you can do them every week if they all come out this funny. sorry about the shining motherhood moment.

and um, did you write this blog in response to my questioning tonight? shoot, i should have just waited a few hours and read this to get all my info :)

sachia said...

Sorry I missed you at Nat's farewell but shis certainly filled me in. What a riot! Your so open and honest that it cracks my belly up.

Liz Johnson said...

Hahahahahaha that Motherhood Moment is HILARIOUS. You crack me up.

Did you bring Wonton home with you? I surely hope so.

B Brown said...

I got nothin...you answered all my questions ;)

Cali said...

jean - you and i really should be friends. not that we aren't already, but we should be better friends (it would probably help if we lived in the same state or if we have had more than one conversation). good thing we can blog stalk each other. we have lots in common: GW Alums, happy stay at home moms, we married friends, and we have the same sweater. seriously - see your Feb. 16th post.

p.s. i love weston's birthmark.

Wendi said...

That is the best Motherhood Moment post ever! Awesome. I like Weston's birthmark much better than Julie's! She has this big black and blue birthmark on her backside. I'd post a pic of it, but I'm afraid some well meaning ignorant person might report me to DCF.

Lisa said...

Hahaha, I love the Motherhood Moment. You should've just stood up, looked at him, and said, "Yeah, he's being punished," and sat back down. :)

James Cramer said...

Hey Jean, tell Tim good luck on the internship search I hope he lands a great one. I got the picture of Weston that you mailed and hung it on my door, thank you so much for sending it.

daMawma said...

Shining Motherhood Moments get worse when they learn to talk and repeat comments intended to be private..."My mom says you're probably not going to pay back the money you borrowed." {cringe}

Abbie said...

haha. I like that story. Why are some pants just too big for the age they say they're for? I don't get it.

This was very informative. Now I feel like I'm "down" with the Andersons.

dana said...

I like the Q&A. And seriously, isn't it funny...before you're a mom it seems that there would be so much time in your day, staying at home with a baby. Then you realize that you're pretty busy!

Mary said...

What a fun post! You are so funny. That is awesome that Tim wants to maybe do video games, he for sure needs to talk to Eddie since he has some experience in that! Maybe Eddie can hook him up with someone! Let me know!

La La Land said...

You pretty much answered all of my questions. And, could you please be a little more attentive at the playground?! Geeeshhh!

Mariel said...

very cute, you're a great writer. lovely family!


Dana Carlin said...

Where are new posts?? You're going on 2 weeks! I'm worried.....is it...swine flu?

daMawma said...

I'm worried too.....Is it...Disneyland withdrawal (your passes expired)?? Or is it {shudder}...soap poisoning????