Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lots O' Tidbits

Y’know how your blogging mojo comes and goes sometimes? (Or is yours permanent? Because as much as I love blogging, mine definitely waxes and wanes.) Well, I completely lost my blogging motivation last week, and I didn’t have the willpower to compose anything. (Shocking!!) I think it’s because I was majorly stressed out and depressed, but fortunately that’s passed for now. I don’t know why it passed; I think I just remembered (once again) that everything will work out when we are faithful. (Easy, right? It’s easy being Mormon.) Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. That’s my warm blanket, right there.

So, now I’m back at the ol’ blog! I don’t have any actual stories to recount or experiences to photo-document, so I’ll just share a bunch of random thoughts and tidbits from my life of late:

The weather is FINALLY starting to cool down!!! It was 90 degrees a couple days ago, but today I think it only reached 80. And tomorrow it’s only supposed to go up to 70! (At what age did talking about the weather result in such WIDE-EYED EXCITEMENT on my part??!!)

It’s General Conference weekend again! Yay!! Weston was so well-behaved this morning that Tim and I were able to watch the entire Saturday morning session on the computer. While we were watching, we decided that we need to institute some sort of General Conference tradition to observe every April and October. So, what do YOU do for General Conference? Do you bake homemade cinnamon rolls? Do you have a picnic? Do you take a scenic drive? Do you put on a play, reenacting excerpts of pioneer history? Do you have a family slumber party? Please enlighten me. We need a good tradition. :-) Thanks!

This past Monday, Tim and I started (for good this time) our Monday night tradition of Family Home Evening. (We used to have it when we were newly married, and we tried it a few times when Weston was really little, but it kind of fizzled over the summer when Tim was gone until 8:30 every night.) We talked about being a child of God, sang a hymn, colored a little, and ate some Joe Joe's. Short and sweet. I’m really grateful for FHE, and I’m grateful that we’re going to do it regularly, and I’m especially grateful that we started it just in time to feel encouraged by Elder Bednar’s talk on consistency, instead of guilty. (Haha!)

And now for a few Weston anecdotes:

Y’know how Weston is always obsessed with something? Well, right now it’s Toy Story, and especially his little Woody doll that I got him at a flea market. He carries Woody around with him everywhere, and he insists on sleeping with it at night. He wants to bring it to bathtime, and he cries non-stop that he isn’t allowed. If he misplaces it, he searches the house and repeatedly asks, “Wuzhy?” until we manage to find it. If he could have it his way, he’d probably keep Toy Story 2 constantly streaming throughout the day. (Why Toy Story 2 instead of Toy Story, you may ask? Toy Story 2 has a shinier box. Like mother like son.)

Weston has become more snuggly lately (to our immense delight). Sometimes when I’m on the couch, he’ll come up with his blankie wanting to be held, and I’ll pick him up and recline a little, and he’ll actually lie on my chest while I rub his back and lean my cheek against his soft little head. He’s never really done this before, and Tim and I LOVE IT. The snuggling usually only lasts 15-20 seconds, but we’ll take what we can get!!

Weston has been joining me on my Costco trips for many months now, but on Friday his presence became very beneficial. I think he has figured out that the sample tables = free food, so he was pointing them out left and right during our shopping trip. A couple times, he spotted sample tables that had escaped me, and he’d point and say “More!” (which actually sounds more like “moyn!” for some reason), and I would turn the cart around and head over. It was great. I like taking on the Costco free samples as a team (and he likes getting to eat Veggie Straws and Three Musketeers).

Like I mentioned, Weston loves Toy Story 2; it’s just one of the DVDs that he is constantly grabbing off the DVD shelf in the hallway multiple times a day. (The lowest shelf of DVDs are those that are Weston-approved – mostly Disney and Pixar movies – since he is tall enough to reach them.) One time, Tim asked Weston to put two DVDs back on the shelf that were in the living room. He carried them into the hallway, attempted to fit them back onto the shelf with the other DVDs, and (realizing he needed more space), began to knock off all the other DVDs on the shelf to make room for the two he was holding.

A not-so-cute thing that Weston is doing right now? Saying that dreaded four-letter word (M-I-N-E) all the time when in the presence of other children. Sometimes he’s holding a toy (whether his or not), and he’ll say “Mine!” at other kids, and then swat at them if they still want it. Other times, he’s on a playground, and he’ll yell “Mine!” if another child even approaches the slide. Sometimes it’s a much more abstract sentiment (like when he’s in the living room with his blankie and yells “Mine!” for no reason). It’s horrible. He’s no good at playdates right now, unfortunately. I’m ready for him to get over it and learn to share.

And now, a few movie and TV musings (because I haven’t done anything interesting this week because Weston’s been sick, so this is what’s interesting in my life right now):

Tim and I watched City of Ember last night. I really liked it! I especially liked the style of the underground city (kind of a grungy art deco), the color schemes, and the costumes (like the main character’s messenger cape). Plus, it was a neat plot – basically the kind of movie that I would have fallen in love with when I was 10. I also love Saoirse Ronan now, and I really want her to play Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games movie. Seriously.

Tim and I have started watching two new shows this fall (among our other regulars): Community on NBC and FlashForward on ABC. Community is HILARIOUS. Out of the three episodes so far, I think the premiere was the best, but it’s still really funny overall. It stars Joel McHale from The Soup, and it’s about community college students who form a study group (and then let the wit fly!!).

FlashForward, on the other hand, is a drama starring Joseph Fiennes from Shakespeare in Love. We’re still trying to figure out whether we like it. We LOVE the premise (that everyone on earth passes out for two minutes at the same time, during which they have telling visions of the very same moment in the future). But, I’m not very fond of some of the unrealistic plot developments, or the just-plain confusing plot developments, or the hackneyed melodrama. So, the jury’s still out on this one. (Interestingly, starting this Thursday, both shows are going to be broadcast at the same time, so I guess we'll need to make up our minds! I choose Community. But, maybe I’ll keep watching FlashForward online.) What new shows do you love or hate?? Do tell!!

Finally, FUN WITH GOOGLE! (Thanks to Tim for sharing!)

Go to Google, start typing in these search topics, and see the suggestions that appear beneath the search box:

"I like" (check out the first one)
"I'm terrified" (check out the first one)
"When will J" (check out the second one)

Hahahahaha! Why....?


Liz Johnson said...

I totally get the blogging in-and-out stuff. I feel like I've been out for three months. Arrgh. And then I get ideas for like six posts at a time, I write them all at once, and then I'm done for another week or so. Agh!

I LOVE COMMUNITY. That show is hilarious. And I like Glee. A lot. A lot, a lot, a lot.

I really heart your Weston updates. And I like Toy Story 2 better too, especially now that I know that the box is shinier. Heck yeah.

If you ever feel like venting, drop me a line, homeskillet! I'm always happy to listen (and interject even though I'm trying not to)!

Tiff said...

The "Mine" phase. Yeah - we jumped on that immediately. Basically, in Malia's case, I just never let it go. It was a no-tolerance kind of thing. As soon as it happened, she was taken from the situation until she could learn to share. Her's only lasted a week or so because of it.

We really like Flash Forward. We never expect a show to not have moments where we're like, "Hmmmmm... o....k......" and so it hasn't bothered us the way it does you. We really, really like it. And, of course, Glee. :)

"i like to tape my thumbs to my hands to see what it would be like to be a dinosaur"

"i'm terrified of chinese people"

"when will jesus return"

wow - that's awesome.

Dana Carlin said...

WATCH "MODERN FAMILY"!!! It's on abc on wednesdays. the first 2 episodes are on Best new show! And you guys will definitely like it.

Lauren said...

There's a Hunger Games movie coming out?!?!?
Oh yeah, and great post. I always love your blogging, even when your blogging "mojo" isn't at its peak, as you think.
And Weston learned "mine"? Really? I'm scared.

Tiff said...

OH! The pork chops one! LOL! I don't know why I didn't notice that before! LOL!!!!!

Lisa said...

I go in and out of blogging myself. Sometimes you think your life is interesting, and sometimes you don't. It's usually the same, but for me it's the perception that changes how much I blog :)

I loved those Google things! Holy moley!! When WILL Jesus bring the pork chops?

I've watched a little bit of Community, and have liked it so far. I'm bummed that 30 Rock hasn't come back yet, though! Boo. I've been pretty much sticking to SYTYCD, Bones, and The Office though--old loves ;)

A HUNGER GAMES MOVIE??? Hooray!! The whole time I read that I thought, "They REALLY need to make a movie out of this!" I'm still waiting for my turn to get Catching Fire from the library. Boo again.

P.S. My word verification is "monest." You know, like modest and honest, together.

Headle said...

I love this Jean!!! I eat all of your wonderful blogging up! You could just blog throughout your day, every day and I love it! You have such a great sense of humor and you make the most of even the little things in life!!! LOVE YOU!

My boys really like Toy Story 2 too!!! Its going to be SO FUN when the new Toy Story comes out next summer...we can't wait!!!

Weston is such a cutie! I love the way you describe him toddling around looking for his Woody doll. He is ADORABLE!!!

Lalee Photography said...

YAY Jean blogging again!! It makes me happy. :-) I think you should start video blogging.

Dude, you HAVE to start watching Glee!!! It's the best show EVER.

The google things are HILARIOUS! :-) You guys are funny.

Abbie said...

HAHAHAHAH!!! I am laughing so hard right now. I like... Oh my goodness! I seriously hurt from laughing so hard. I love you, Google!

Now I have to go back and read your post again to see what i was going to comment on.

He let you watch conference? Good boy, Weston! We had a little brunch with friends this morning since it doesn't start until 12 here. It was so fun. I would highly recommend it.

Toy Story 2 is better. Good taste, Weston. Although Eli won't watch it because he thinks it's too scary.

It's all about simple FHEs. We do singing FHEs a lot. We'll sing our 5 favorite Primary songs and then talk about how music bring the spirit into our home. Or we'll just practice saying prayers. Or show a GAK (do you have the Gospel Art Kit? It's so so great! It's so worth it) picture and talk about what we see.

I love community! So so funny.

Oh, Jean, I wish I could see you in real life.

daMawma said...

At first Weston was grabbing little plastic rings (from the quoits toy). Then he became enaamored with a toy truck (while visiting PA). Now it's a Woody doll. He seems like "all boy" to me! Next he will want the video game controls. Watch out, Tim!

dietcokegrrl said...

LOVE the random Jean posts--they a quite possibly my favorite!

I agree it is sad that we feel the need to talk about (and get so excited about) the weather, but is really is SO GREAT to finally have some cooler temps! The 100 degree days were killing me.

We need a good GC tradition too...besides just staying in our PJs all day, that is.

So funny about the Woody doll--Samuel is taking the kids to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D today at the El Capitan. Should be fun!

YAY for Weston being your sample spotter--awesome!

And thanks for the giggle with Google!

Brooke said...

City of Embers was a pretty good book too.

dana said...

Love the updates!
Sorry about "MINE".
Hooray for Toy Story (we need to get that too).
Hooray for Conference (as much as you can get in with kids, that is).
Yay for Team Anderson!