Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Baby Photos Part 1
It's a Boy!
Weston James Anderson was born at 2:27am, Pacific Time, after 9 or so hours of labor. He was 20.5" long and weighed 8lbs, 7.3oz. Jean was spectacularly amazing, really indescribably great. She did such a fantastic job that I could go on and on and on, except that she's waiting for me back at the hospital, and Mom Anderson and I had better go over there. Both Jean and the baby are doing very well. More to come with pictures!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Something's Happening... Finally!!
Although I thought I was having a non-stress test today, my doctor actually scheduled it for Monday (incidentally with another doctor, because she's going to be out of town for the next five days). Plus, I have an induction scheduled for Thursday the 28th, which is the same day that my awesome cousin Sarah celebrates her birthday! Woohoo! I may not make it that far, but now I know that I'm DEFINITELY going to have a baby within the next week. Crazy!!
So that's the update for now. Since I'm still not having real contractions, I still don't really know what to expect, but I'm assuming that the whirlwind may commence at any moment. Whoo! Exciting times!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I've been thinking a lot lately of this girl named Dee-Dee, who I met at one of our childbirth classes. She was due on February 16th (one day before me), and I keep thinking that she certainly MUST have had her baby by now. Lucky. Maybe some day it will be my turn? Or maybe I'll be a new scientific oddity, the woman who was perpetually pregnant?? It's funny that I'm several days overdue now, because I sort of feel like T-L had up until my due date to decide whether he wants to come out, and he decided not to. Haha!
Anyway, in the meantime, Tim and I had a lovely lunch today of soup, salad, and breadsticks at Olive Garden. LOVE IT!! We played some Mario Kart this evening, and right now Tim is making cookies in preparation for a new episode of Lost. (Yes, Tim is the baker in the family, for which I am sincerely grateful. I am only able to make what he endearingly calls "cow flop cookies.")
Until later! :-)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Yay, More Photos of Jean and Tim!!

Monday, February 18, 2008
El Room-O del Bebe
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Happy Due Date to me
Happy Due Date to me
Happy Due Date, dear Jean
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
My "Preg-ression"
The "Hooray, I'm wearing a maternity shirt, take my picture!" photo (25 weeks)
The "Third trimester, finally I actually look really pregnant" photo (28 weeks)
THE END Photo (39 weeks)
(aka The "Look out, ginormous belly comin' through!" photo)
(aka The "Feel free to come ANYTIME now, baby!" photo)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
That's a Big Sundae
Allow Me to Introduce Walkie Bits
I have nothing to write about. The baby isn't here yet (38.5 weeks now!), and I'm in the process of writing Thank You notes for the generous baby gifts that we've received, starting the Baby Book, and finishing the nursery. Finishing the nursery basically consists of hanging up the curtains and buying a little toy box (which I'm especially excited about, because Tim and I are going to Ikea tomorrow to get the Apa storage box for $14.99, and to eat delicious meatballs and lingonberries!). Oh, and if anyone hears anything about the Flarke DVD storage shelves (which have been out of stock for months and months now), do let us know. They're also only $14.99 each, but are perpetually unavailable. So, that's another one of my projects right now -- checking the Ikea website daily to see if the Flarkes are here. :-) Life is good when work is winding down!!
Anyway, as it turns out, I was able to conjure some inane things to write about after all! However, I still need to introduce Walkie Bits. Tim had a Man Shower on Saturday night at Dave & Buster's (the man version of the baby showers that I've enjoyed lately), and he won a wicked lot of tickets, and got me a little electronic toy called -- of all things -- Walkie Bits. (It actually says "Walkie Bits" on the little package! Go figure.) It's this little, orange, plastic turtle that walks around and makes buzzing sounds when you press its little plastic shell:
It's really quite entertaining (at least for those of us whose work is winding down and are pretty much just writing Thank You notes right now, anyway), and it's my new little desk buddy. If you happen to visit a Dave & Buster's anytime soon, I highly recommend that you aim for the 250 tickets needed for a Walkie Bits. It's bits of walkie fun (big bits, too).
Finally, (I'll stop after this and get back to work and Thank You's), Tim and I had our third and final childbirth class last night. Among other things, our teacher kept saying the phrase "soup to nuts" (which apparently means "from A to Z"?), and she also claimed that bellydancing used to be a form of childbirthing. Haha... what? I love it. We've done so much reading now, and seen so many videos, that we pretty much get the whole labor thing at this point (although still have no idea what to expect for us specifically), so, unfortunately, we ended up whispering jokes to each other the whole time. Don't get me wrong, we were generally very attentive, especially when she showed a video of the placenta (WILD). We also learned that the baby rotates in order to fit properly through the pelvic bones and what not during contractions. Very interesting. Flippant though we may be at times, it was a good class, and we're very, very excited for the weeks (days?) ahead. Still no idea when Tadpole-Leonard will actually come, but we're definitely looking forward with growing anticipation. :-)
Okay, back to my day...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Ahhhh My Precious Lost Returns...

And if checking out cute and clever photos of Jean is your thing, then be sure to visit the Lalee Photography website! My awesome PA friend Lauri recently started Lalee, and her portfolio online includes a few photos of pregnant Jean from late December 2007. (See if you can find them! They're hidden in "Engagements" and "Portraits!") If you live in the PA area, I highly recommend that you hire Lauri for your various portraiting needs. She is really fun and highly professional too, and she is flush with creative ideas. Seriously, I am amazed by her incredible talent, and I'm so glad that I was able to have a photo shoot with her. YAY LAURI!!!