Thursday, February 21, 2008


No baby yet! And no contractions either. I am now four days past my due date, but I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow where (I'm desperately hoping) I'll get some encouraging news. My doctor is also going to do a non-stress test, where the baby's fetal heart rate is monitored to make sure that he's still doing alright in there. So... we'll see what happens! I'm sort of assuming that my doctor may pick a date for me to be induced next week, but I'll letcha know when I know more. :-)

I've been thinking a lot lately of this girl named Dee-Dee, who I met at one of our childbirth classes. She was due on February 16th (one day before me), and I keep thinking that she certainly MUST have had her baby by now. Lucky. Maybe some day it will be my turn? Or maybe I'll be a new scientific oddity, the woman who was perpetually pregnant?? It's funny that I'm several days overdue now, because I sort of feel like T-L had up until my due date to decide whether he wants to come out, and he decided not to. Haha!

Anyway, in the meantime, Tim and I had a lovely lunch today of soup, salad, and breadsticks at Olive Garden. LOVE IT!! We played some Mario Kart this evening, and right now Tim is making cookies in preparation for a new episode of Lost. (Yes, Tim is the baker in the family, for which I am sincerely grateful. I am only able to make what he endearingly calls "cow flop cookies.")

Until later! :-)


Nat said...

Awww, I'm sorry you're pregnant another day!:) But i guess that is just ONE day closer to the little guy making his appearance. In the meantime, enjoy having nothing to do lol (sigh, how I long for those days!)

Jay said...


Liz Johnson said...

C'MON T-L!!!

But wouldn't it be sorta cool to have your kid on February 29th? I mean, he'd only get a birthday every four years, but I think that'd be pretty cool.

No? Not so much? Ok.

Lisa said...

Oooo John makes the best cookies too. Mine always screw up. Which is fine with me, since now he can just make them :)