Friday, February 22, 2008

Something's Happening... Finally!!

So I had my 40-week appointment this morning, and hurrah!! I'm dilated to three centimeters!! Woohoo! Things are happening! Tim and I were overjoyed, and we shared an exuberant high-five at the doctor's office.

Although I thought I was having a non-stress test today, my doctor actually scheduled it for Monday (incidentally with another doctor, because she's going to be out of town for the next five days). Plus, I have an induction scheduled for Thursday the 28th, which is the same day that my awesome cousin Sarah celebrates her birthday! Woohoo! I may not make it that far, but now I know that I'm DEFINITELY going to have a baby within the next week. Crazy!!

So that's the update for now. Since I'm still not having real contractions, I still don't really know what to expect, but I'm assuming that the whirlwind may commence at any moment. Whoo! Exciting times!


Abby said...

Woohoo! A THREE! They say you can be a one for weeks actually -- but not a three. Shouldn't be too much longer!

Oh, just thought I'd tell you - Heidi was six days late. ;) And because Autumn was early I wasn't used to being pregnant the full 40 weeks. I was so anxious for her to come BEFORE her due-date that when her due-date actually came -- everything was so laid back. I knew she couldn't stay there forever and for some reason I wasn't as anxious as I'd been the previous three weeks. Crazy.

Anyway...I hope he comes VERY soon!

The Hyer Family said...

YEAH!!! I never felt one contraction with either of my kids before I was like 5 or 6 cm dilated...with Lauren my water broke and I was a 3 at the hospital...I was a 5 when I arrived with Kate...hopefully you'll progress quickly like I did...Good Luck!

Shanell Farr said...

How exciting!! I have a gift for you since I didn't make it to your shower... it's been sitting at my house forever! Hopefully I can drop it by sometime soon! Good luck with everything!

dana said...

hip hip hooray!
hip hip hooray!
hip hip hoooooray!

I hope it all happens soon and I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy.

Wendi said...

The end is in sight!!! I have 2 kids and I still don't know what it feels like to go into labor on my own. I cheat. I've always been induced.

Lillian said...

I have been keeping tabs on your blog to see if that little one has come yet! I know he will be here soon! Matt & I are excited for you guys.

Lisa said...


P.S. I hope you don't go that long, but I think it would be AWESOME to have a kid on leap day. For some reason John thinks that it's mean, as if we wouldn't celebrate his birthday or something. I think it's awesome. And just imagine how AWESOME his 16th birthday would be!!

daMawma said...

It seems like little T-L wants lovely Grandma Anderson to arrive first.

hilary w said...

Wow! Three centimeters is great! For me it took about 12 hours of labor to get that far! Good luck with the labor and will do great. And so worth it to cuddle with your little angel after it's over!