Saturday, October 4, 2008

He Claps!

Be sure to check out the 36-second mark, too, when Weston makes a brief but moving speech to all you fine viewers.


Abby said...

Oh Jean! I love his voice! He sounds so cute kind of singing to himself while he claps. And I LOVED that little monologue around 36 seconds. So very, very cute. Thanks for sharing. :)

Oh, and I don't know how long you've had this up -- but I just noticed how you have Weston's picture on the side and it's labeled "Spawn of Team, Est 2008" to go along with "Team Anderson, Est. 2003". :) Love it!

Tiff said...

Seriously, Jean. He is such a beautiful little boy. And growing so FAST!

I kind of want to smash his head in my hands, but in that "oh-my-goodness-he's-so-cute-I-just-have-to-grit-my-teeth" kind of good way.

And I love your "Yaaaaaaaays." It's kind of like a subdued version of watching a parade with someone I know...

dana said...

SOOO cute!

Liz Johnson said...

Weston, I appreciate your insights. I found them both powerful and insightful. Could you maybe expand on that second point a little more in the next video? I'd really love to hear you delve into it a little deeper.

All in all, though, very deserving of your rousing applause!


Lisa said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I AM EXPLODING AMID THE CUTENESS!!!!!! That is SO AWESOME. And I love his little voice. And the sound of his little hands clapping. I love it. Love love love love it.

Abbie said...

Right back at ya, little man. You are cute!

Emily said...

Congrats on the temple in your home town! That is so great. I can't wait to try that mug cake! how fun! I actually think I met Rena, who you mentioned you knew. We also live in the UCI student housing and she is one of the community aide type people, we met briefly and I didn't meet her husband but she is in our ward and is really nice! How do you know them?

Wendi said...

Weston, you have my vote. (How could I not vote for such a handsome little guy?!)

Lalee Photography said...

Truly he is the happiest baby on the block!! YAY Weston! I love your yays Jean. haha! You are too cute! He's just so happy!! :-)

dietcokegrrl said...

Totally adorable (do I say that every time? I guess it's because it's true...) And I love your little "Yays" Jean, they totally make me laugh.

And btw, the kids are LOVING all these baby videos you post...every time I watch one, they both run over to the computer and ooooh and ahhhh over the baby and tell me "again" after it's done.