Friday, October 17, 2008

Pumpkins for All!

It seems like everyone has been doing blog posts lately about their excursions to the pumpkin farm, so now here's ours. :-)

We realized that, now that we have a child, we need to make an actual effort when it comes to holidays. No more forgoing decorating and just sitting around eating Halloween candy by ourselves - nope! Now we're getting FESTIVE! We know that holidays are a lot more fun when you "get into them," so for Weston's sake, we're trying to do just that. (At least to the extent that we are capable... finding him a costume, baking sugar cookies with orange and black sprinkles, carving pumpkins, and going trick-or-treating. We're focusing on baby steps here. We'll get to the advanced stuff like turning our home into a Haunted House later.) And we also know that holidays are a lot more fun when a cute, happy little person gets all excited for them. So, we're in for a fun holiday season this year. ...Okay, so Weston has no idea that Halloween or anything else is even coming up, but still, we can pretend that he cares. :-)

So, on Thursday, in an effort to secure pumpkins for said carving activity, we drove out to Underwood Family Farms for their harvest festival. This friendly family greeted us at the entrance! (Apparently they were all flattened in a freak accident. Very sad.):
There was country music blaring when we entered (Tim shuddered a little), and eventually we discovered the rip-roaring stage show:
We checked out a number of tractors and farm equipment that they had on display, and Tim took a bunch of pictures of them for art/machinery/design studies (he's always doin' crazy things like that, that artist husband of mine):
This photo is for my dad... I imagine that he might have ridden around on one of these babies when he was growing up on the farm:
Then we tried our hand at the Corn Maze. We were initially exuberant and prideful of our smart human brains that could certainly conquer the stupid corn:
After 10 minutes, though, we realized that the corn is a lot cleverer than it looks, so we retraced our steps back to the entrance:
There were a bamillion pumpkins at the farm - big pumpkins:
... and little pumpkins:
... and some beautiful but strange stalked pumpkins:
... and pumpkin displays:
... and some more pumpkin displays (I think this one is an artist's representation of the Great Pumpkin-Tractor War of 1927):
Weston sat atop an especially ginormous pumpkin:
Look at the cute little farm boy!
Then we took him to another tractor for yet another photo op:
Just precious... in a country sort of way:
Then we visited the farm animals. These creatures, which I'm assuming are ponies or miniature horses or something (probably should've read the sign), were very friendly:
The cow was also very friendly. I think her name was Daisy. Or Bessie. (It's always either Daisy or Bessie):
Hayride time! I insisted upon the hayride. It's not a harvest festival unless you do the hayride. Period.
This was the best picture that I managed to get of Weston and Tim during the bumpy hayride. Weston was very wiggly and unsteady -- I think he'd been sniffing too much hay:
A final photo op with some pumpkins:
( I don't think he was very fond of the scratchy hay on his softy little legs):
And we finally picked out our pumpkins!! Here's our little pumpkin family:
I love me a man with a wagon full of pumpkins. Woooooo-hoo!

Before we left the farm, we purchased some pumpkin butter from their country store. Then this morning, I baked scones and served them with the butter. SO GOOD!!! Seriously, pumpkin butter is like spreadable pumpkin pie. It just does not get any better than that. :-)


Tiff said...

Please be cool parents like me & Dave and actually dress up too... I mean, I am SHOCKED out how few adults dress up for Halloween. So sad. So, so sad for them.


Also - um, I think that Tim has something on the sides of his face. He may not know it's there, because I can't imagine he voluntarily and knowingly would allow it to be there... so you may want to point it out. Despite my past knowledge of other things he has allowed to grow there, I still want to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is ignorant to it...

Tim Anderson said...

I don't know if it's bad form to comment on your own blog, but to heck with form (that's right, straight to heck!); that is the cutest freaking baby in the world.

Holy crap. So freaking cute! Don't you just want to bake him into a pumpkin pie and eat him?!

daMawma said...

Don't forget at least one indulgence into caramel apples (for 2) to celebrate the season. I guess Weston will have to wait another year for that. But he looks stoic during his bumpy, scratchy, sneezy hayride.

Lisa said...

Oh man, Jean, you are awesome. You crack me up. I love the stage show, the Pumpkin-Tractor war, and that shot of Tim and Weston in the hayride. Hahahahaha!! You are the best.

Liz Johnson said...

Jean, please come live next door to me. You crack me up. That is very sad about the flat family. At least they get to lie in state... sorta like Lenin, only with less pomp and circumstance.

I'm wondering if Californians don't realize that tractors don't normally perch themselves on pumpkins. This must be new for them.

Abbie said...

I love the pictures. Okay, you two are going to be the parents that everyone wants. Fun times at the Anderson's! And don't you think having kids make holidays so much more fun? I love dressing up two little people.

dietcokegrrl said...

We just LOVE Underwood Farms!! I wanted to head out there this week, but wasn't sure how it would be because of the fires. We'll have to try to make it out there this week.

Love all the pictures--Weston is the cutest!!

dana said...

cute pics. looks like fun!

daMawma said...

Is Tim planning to be Dwight Schrute's "cousin Mose" for Halloween? All he needs now is overalls and farm boots...and a canning jar of beets.

B Brown said...

You've totally motivated me to go. We were going to try one of the cheesy local ones, but we should do it up proper.

p.s. the horses are miniture horses or pygmy horses. I want one and in order for me to marry him, Mike had to promise to get me one :)

Lesley said...

Fun! I love the pictures of Weston on the pumpkin. Those are very picture-frame worthy.

Now I am feeling like Ian needs to have a pumpkin patch experience. Does sifting through the barrel o' pumpkins outside the grocery store count?

Lalee Photography said...

You baked scones and served them with the pumpkin butter?! OMG, I'm the worst wife ever.

On another note - me, Mikey and Danny did the night time corn maze at Merrymead last week with flashlights! VERY spooky - and it took us 3 hours. hahaha. :-)

Headle said...

Oh, little Weston really is one happy little boy!! He has INCREDIBLE parents!

I love that picture of him on the pumpkin with Tim!! I love all these pictures!!

gunnfam said...

There is nothing cuter than little kids at a pumpkin patch. period.

Dana Carlin said...

I DO want to bake him into a pie.
I also think we should Photoshop Weston and Killian together on a mountain of pumpkins, because we got very similar shots :)
PS- Tim: I like the facial hair you got goin on...not sarcastic.