Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Fuzz-Halo'ed Swinger

Editor's Note: YES, I am watching the World Series. No, I'm not a total poser. The T.V. is on in the living room behind me, and I am turning around and looking at it every now and then. :-)

Today, our family experienced two big "first's." Firstly, Weston and I met up with some friends at the park this morning, and he rode a swing set for the very first time! (I know, it's silly for me to document all these minor "first's" in his life. Wait, no, it's not. It's awesome.)

As it turns out, Weston is big enough for the swings now, which is great, because now we have something to do at the park besides just stand around and stare blankly! Here are some photos of the excitement:

Haha! Our other "first" of the day was when Tim and I tried Salvadorean food for the first time. There's a Salvadorean restaurant about a block from our house, so we walked over there for dinner this evening. It was muy delicioso! I ordered the "Plato Tipico Loco" (yes, that's what it was actually called), and it included a variety of items, like grilled plantain, fried yucca, rice & beans, cheese, pupusa (a funny, tortilla-like food, fried with queso y pollo), tangy salad, and sweet corn tamale. It was SO good! It was indeed "loco" in its goodness. Anyway, the meal was extra-interesting because Weston sat in his highchair, red-faced and pushing, almost the entire time. Methinks he was a little fartsy. That kept us laughing heartily.

Anyway, I just had to snap a picture of him at the end of our meal... not of his red-fartsy-face, but of the sunlight from the front window shining through his fuzz-head. It cracks me up:

Weston's little fuzz-halo:
This one captures the fuzz-halo even better (haha!):


Liz Johnson said...

Wow. That is the face of sheer excitement. Also, I'm starting to wonder if he is The Chosen One. For what, I'm not sure, but that halo has to mean something.

Oh my YUM! I am jealous of your Typical & Crazy Plate.

Nat said...

Oooh, I LOVE farting/pooping babies! Nothing is more entertaining than those cute little grunts and the "red eyebrows", as we call it. :) haha!

lyndsey said...

okay that boy is SO cute! love the swing pictures. and the fuzzy head :) he looks like he has gotten so much older to me in just the past couple weeks. i'll be back in church on sunday -- hopefully we can babysit again :)

daMawma said...

That splayed hair reminds me of Albert Einstein....or an electrical static charge. Maybe it's an aura. Chosen One? Golden Child? (Ewww, now we're into Eddie Murphy movies.)

Kristen said...

I love the halo! That is pretty cool that you could capture it in a photo!

Abbie said...

I love those pictures at the end. His face makes me laugh. I could go for some loco good food right now. Swings are the best! Eli could sit in a swing for 3 hours and be happy the entire time.

Lisa said...

I hadn't even thought of baby swings!!! Okay, Jonathan and I need to go to the park, STAT!

Dana Carlin said...

He is so stinking cute...I can't wait to squeeze him!!!

Lauren said...

I'm happy to see Weston is big enough for the swing. I've been waiting for the moment the twins would be- I really think they will love it, as it looks like Weston did! What park is this?